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Last alarm

Captain Hadley (J. Farrell MacDonald, who also appeared as the City Editor in "Danger Ahead") reaches the age limit for firefighter and is retired. While he is bored out of his mind at home, an arsonist (George Pembroke), who evidently is called Wendell, despite the fact that noone ever calls him by name, starts to burn the city down, building by building. After his friend Burt (Joel Friedkin) dies fighting a fire, Hadley unofficially joins up with the arson squad to track down the arsonist; but as Hadley zeroes in on Wendell, Wendell zeroes in on Hadley...
The Last ... continua

Revolt of the Zombies

The film is set during World War I. A "French Cambodian" contingent had heard strange stories about zombification--supposedly Angkor Wat was built by utilizing zombies--and there are tales of zombie armies easily overcoming foes. Armand Louque (Dean Jagger) brings back a priest who supposedly knows the secret of zombification, but he won't talk. So Louque and an international military contingent head to Angkor Wat on an archaeological expedition designed to discover the secret of zombification and destroy the information before zombies have a chance to "wipe out the ... continua

Daily Show for May 31 2023 Democracy Now

El nombre de la rosa

Jean-Jacques Annaud. Italia/Francia - 1986 En el turbulento ambiente religioso de la Italia del siglo XIV una misteriosa serie de crímenes se sucede en una abadía de los Apeninos ligures. Basado en la novela homónima de Umberto Eco el film recrea la oscura época medieval, la Iglesia y su apéndice más temible: la Inquisición.

Visita: www.cinelatinotrieste.org

Out West

Out West (1918) A Fatty Arbuckle comedy including performances by Buster Keaton and Al St John. It is a parody of Western pictures of the way. Out West is a 1918 short comedy film, a satire on contemporary westerns, starring Fatty Arbuckle, Buster Keaton, and Al St. John. It was the first of Arbuckle's "Comique" films to be filmed on the west coast, the previous five having been filmed in and around New York City. The idea for the story came from Natalie Talmadge, who was later to become Keaton's first wife.

Frankenstein's daughter

The psychopathic grandson of Baron Frankenstein, calling himself Oliver Frank, has found an ideal position in sunny California as an assistant to chemist Carter Morton, and lives with him, his teenage daughter Trudy, and the gardener with whom he's secretly carrying on the family tradition. He's also been testing a drug on Trudy when he's not hitting on her, and otherwise behaving badly. Needing a brain (always the Frankenstein Achilles Heel), and when sexually spurned on a date with Trudy's friend Suzie, he seizes the moment and runs her down with his car. After ... continua

Coney Island

Fatty Arbuckle visits the famous amusement park with the assistance of Buster Keaton and Al St john. Arbuckle wrote and directed this comedy in 1917

Fatal glass of beer

The prodigal son of a Yukon prospector comes home on a night that "ain't fit for man nor beast

Woody Woodpecker Season08 Special - Woodys News Reel

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Euna Lee: Quello che ho imparato come prigioniera in Corea del Nord

Nel marzo 2009, i soldati nordcoreani hanno catturato la giornalista Euna Lee e la sua collega Laura Ling mentre stavano girando un documentario al confine con la Cina. I tribunali li hanno condannati a 12 anni di lavori forzati, ma alla fine i diplomatici americani hanno negoziato il loro rilascio. In questo discorso sorprendente e profondamente umano, Lee condivide la sua esperienza di vivere come nemico in un centro di detenzione per 140 giorni ed i piccoli gesti di umanità delle sue guardie che l'hanno sostenuta.