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Midnight Phantom

A newly hired police chief vows to clean up a notoriously corrupt police department. When he is murdered, investigators find that there is no shortage of suspects, most of them being fellow cops.
This film is one of over 200 titles in the list of independent feature films made available for television presentation by Advance Television Pictures announced in Motion Picture Herald 4 April 1942. At this time, television broadcasting was in its infancy, almost totally curtailed by the advent of World War II, and would not continue to develop until 1945-1946. Because of ... continua

The lost zeppelin

An early sound film adventure/melodrama in which a dirigible expedition to the South Pole is complecated by a love triangle. Surprisingly good production values and visual FX for a Tiffany production. However the audio FX are very primitive. Directed by Edward Sloman.

Genuine a tale of a Vampire

Rare silent film by the maker of "The Cabinet of Dr Caligari", released the same year

Woody Woodpecker Season08 Episode08 - Nutty Pine Cabin

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Tiziana Terranova: Infraestructura Tecno-Social

Tiziana Terranova: Doctora en Medios y Comunicaciones en Goldsmiths' College University of London. Profesora e investigadora en cultura y medios de comunicación digitales y política en el Departamento de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales de la Universidad de Nápoles. Su trabajo se centra en los efectos de la información y la tecnología en la sociedad. Su trabajo más conocido es su tesis, formulada a principios de la década de 2000: la mano de obra libre de los usuarios es la fuente del valor económico en la economía digital. Ha publicado un número importante de ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Daily Show for October 31 2022 Democracy Now

My love affair with the distorted side of the Universe

How did the Universe arise? Can we travel back in time? Kip Thorne, who in 2017 received the Nobel Prize for Physics for the observation of gravitational waves, guides us on a journey into the distorted side of the Universe. Here objects and phenomena exist in a warped space and time: colliding black holes, collapsing wormholes, space vortices. As in Interstellar, a film that Thorne contributed to writing, we will try to understand if time travel is really possible.
Speaker: Kip Thorne, Nobel Prize winner for physics 2017
Moderator: Gianvito Martino, BergamoScienza ... continua

Visita: www.bergamoscienza.it

Infancia a la venta - ¿Por qué la esclavitud? - Documental

En la democracia más grande del mundo, India, se compran y venden millones de niños vulnerables, dándoles solo aquello que necesitan para sobrevivir otro día más. En toda la sociedad india, los mecanismos del trabajo esclavo en condiciones de servidumbre son insidiosos, poderosos y casi imposibles de escapar para los niños que han quedado atrapados en un sistema impulsado por las ganancias. El Director Pankaj Johar analiza las estadísticas abrumadoras y revela cómo la falta de educación y la pobreza persistente favorecen a la esclavitud moderna. En ... continua

Visita: www.thewhy.dk

Woody Woodpecker Season08 Episode04 - Slingshot 6 78

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Connie Hedegaard: Cambio climático

En el marco del Congreso del Futuro, Connie Hedegaard - Ministra de clima y energía de Dinamarca - realizó su charla magistral: “Cambio climático"

Visita: congresofuturo.cl