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Daily Show for February 17 2023 Democracy Now

Why we fight: The battle of Russia - Part 1

Produced by the U.S. Army Special Service Division, and directed by Frank Capra "Why we fight" is a seven part propaganda/documentary series that traces the earliest beginnings of the second world war starting with Japan's invasion of China in 1931, to the Nazi's march across europe. This is a remasterd version encoded for Apple TV.

Beautiful clothes (make beautiful girls)

Harry Langdon lip syncs the title song and interacts with models

Manuel Vexler: Internet de las cosas, ¿El despertar de las máquinas?

En el marco del Congreso del Futuro, Manuel Vexler -Director de Marketing de TIC- realizó su charla magistral: “Internet de las cosas, ¿El despertar de las máquinas?"

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Phil Plait: Come difendere la Terra dagli asteroidi

Qual è la larghezza di sei miglia e può porre fine alla civiltà in un istante? Un asteroide - e ce ne sono molti là fuori. Con umorismo e immagini fantastiche, Phil Plait ci mostra tutti i modi in cui gli asteroidi possono ucciderci (yipes) e cosa dobbiamo fare per evitarli.

Patricia Churchland: Desafiar los límites

•Grado académico – Profesión: Es Licenciada de la Universidad de Columbia Británica, Licenciada en filosofía de la Universidad de Oxford y Máster de la Universidad de Pittsburgh. •Lugar actual de trabajo: Profesora de filosofía en la Universidad de California, San Diego (UCSD). • Líneas de investigación: Relación entre neurociencia y filosofía; explora el impacto de los desarrollos neurocientíficos en nuestra comprensión de la conciencia, el yo, el libre albedrío, la toma de decisiones, la ética, el aprendizaje y la religión.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Vampire over London

Old Mother Riley is manaced by Bela Lugosi in this British comedy, a.k.a. "Mother Riley Meets the Vampire", re-released in 1963 as "My Son, The Vampire"

Ghosts on the Loose

Glimpy's surprisingly beautiful sister (Ava Gardner) is getting married to Jack (Rick Vallin), a young engineer, and moving to a 'bargain' suburban house neither has ever seen. During the honeymoon, the East Side Kids decide to fix up the house for the newlyweds...but mistakenly pick the 'haunted' house next door, which is occupied by some mysterious live men (Bela Lugosi), dodging in and out of secret panels and clearly up to no good


Backstage with Fatty Arbuckle, a nice print of a simple little comedy from 1919. Mable Norman costars

Fatty's spooning days

A Fatty Arbuckle 1915 Keystone comedy. (On the Archive elsewhere as Mabel, Fatty and the Law) This version has a generic music track