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The Phantom Empire

The Phantom Empire is a 1935 American Western (genre) serial film directed by Otto Brower and B. Reeves Eason and starring Gene Autry, Frankie Darro, and Betsy King Ross. This 12-chapter Mascot Pictures serial combined the western, Musical theatre, and science fiction genres. The first episode is 30 minutes, the rest about 20 minutes. The serial film is about a singing cowboy who stumbles upon an ancient subterranean civilization living beneath his own ranch that becomes corrupted by unscrupulous greedy speculators from the surface. In 1940, a 70-minute feature film ... continua

Daily Show for March 08 2023 Democracy Now

The cure

The cure is a 1917 short comedy film written and directed by Charlie Chaplin.

My Man Godfrey

Ditzy socialite with a heart of gold, Irene Bullock (Carole Lombard) finds "forgotten man" Godfrey Smith (William Powell) in a scavenger hunt. Eventually Godfrey is taken in as the family butler for the Bullocks and screwball antics and romance ensue

Yongary - Monster from the deep

In the Middle East, a bomb is set off that creates massive earthquakes. Meanwhile in South Korea, a young couple is about to get married and the tension builds when South Korea sends a space shuttle to investigate the bomb site. The earthquake makes its way to South Korea, caused by a giant monster named Yongary (inspired by a mythical creature in Korean lore). Yongary attacks Seoul and makes his way to the oil refineries where he consumes the oil. A child related to the aforementioned couple turns off the refineries' oil basins; Yonggary, enraged, starts attacking ... continua

That Gang of Mine

A street kid has dreams of becoming a jockey. He gets his chance when he and his gang discover a poor old man who has a championship race horse. The man agrees to let the boy ride his horse in a race, but first the gang must get enough money to pay for the race's entry fees.

The gorilla

The three Ritz Brothers are fumbling detectives prowling an old dark house haunted by Bela Lugosi, an insane murderer and a giant gorilla

Renzo Guinto: El cambio climático como problema de salud humana

Renzo Guinto: Médico, candidato a Doctor en Salud Pública en la Universidad de Harvard. Sus intereses en salud pública, van desde la atención universal de la salud, educación médica, y la salud de los migrantes, a la diplomacia mundial de la salud, las enfermedades no transmisibles, el cambio climático y la política energética.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Maryn McKenna: El shock de los antibióticos

Maryn McKenna: Periodista especializada en salud pública, global y políticas alimentarias. Durante el año 2014 recibió el Premio al Liderazgo de la Alianza para el Uso Prudente de Antibióticos y el premio Byron H. Waksman 2013 a la Excelencia en la Comunicación Pública de Ciencias de la Vida. Escribe para National Geographic sobre ciencia y comida, también para revistas y sitios en Estados Unidos y Europa incluyendo a The New York Times Magazine, Newsweek, Wired, Scientific American, Nature, The Atlantic y The Guardian. Su más reciente libro se llama: Big ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Gianni Kovacevic: Cobre, el futuro de la energía

Gianni Kovacevic: Experto en energía moderna, recursos naturales y mercados emergentes. Ha sido expositor internacional en conferencias relacionadas con la industria, sobre temas de recursos naturales, demografía y energías limpias.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl