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Daily Show for July 19, 2024 Democracy Now!

We host a roundtable the morning after Donald Trump accepted the Republican nomination for president on Thursday, just five days after surviving an assassination attempt, delivering the longest acceptance speech in convention history. Trump began with a somber recounting of what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania, when a bullet grazed his right ear, and soon went off script to deliver a rambling diatribe against various political enemies and repeatedly demonized immigrants. “The first three or four days of the convention were pitched as a display of unity,” says ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

Portraits and Feminine Power in the Visual Culture of the Baroque

Round table "Portraits and Feminine Power in the Visual Culture of the Baroque: The Construction of the Image of Maria Anna of Austria" composed of Mercedes Llorente Molina (Universidad Jaume I) and Patricia Manzano Rodríguez (Durham University), and moderated by Mía Rodríguez Salgado (The London School of Economics and Political Science).
This round table took place in the symposium "Key Women in the Creation of the Prado’s Collections. From Isabella of Bourbon to Maria Anna of Neuburg" which took place on 6 and 7 March 2023.
Two relevant features of the Prado ... continua

Visita: www.museodelprado.es

La canción de Carla

de Kean Loach. Reino Unido. - 1996 George, un escocés de espíritu rebelde, que trabaja como conductor de autobús, conoce a Carla, una refugiada nicaragüense recién llegada a Glasgow. Mientras tanto, en Nicaragua (1987), la Contra se prepara para derrocar al Gobierno sandinista. La situación de su país, de su familia y el amor que dejó atrás atormentan a Carla. George decide entonces acompañarla a Nicaragua para que afronte la dura realidad de la guerra y de los sentimientos.

Visita: www.cinelatinotrieste.org

Presentation of the exhibition itinerary. New web and in-person narratives

Presentation of the exhibition itinerary "El Prado in the Feminine Form. Artistic Patrons of the Museum's Collections (1541-1633)". New web and in-person narratives.
Round table composed of Miguel Falomir (Director of the Prado Museum), Victor Cageao (General Conservation Coordinator of the Prado Museum), Javier Pantoja (Head of the Digital Development Area of the Prado Museum) y Noelia García Pérez (Universidad de Murcia).
This round table took place in the symposium "Key Women in the Creation of the Prado’s Collections. From Isabella of Bourbon to Maria Anna ... continua

Visita: www.museodelprado.es

Queenship in early modern world: Display, Ceremonial, Portraiture and Patronage, by Elena Woodacre

"Queenship in Early Modern World: Display, Ceremonial, Portraiture and Patronage" by Elena Woodacre (University of Winchester).
This conference is part of the Symposium "Key Women in the Creation of the Prado’s Collections.
From Isabella of Bourbon to Maria Anna of Neuburg" which took place on 6 and 7 March 2023.
Two relevant features of the Prado Museum’s make it paradigmatic in our study of the role of women in the field of artistic patronage: we can explore, recover, and discuss and disseminate these women’s contributions to the creation of the Museum by ... continua

Visita: www.museodelprado.es

Daily Show for June 20, 2024 Democracy Now!

Daily Show for July 08, 2024 Democracy Now

Daily Show for June 27, 2024 Democracy Now!

Daily Show for July 02, 2024 Democracy Now!

Daily Show for July 09, 2024 Democracy Now