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Starting the Conversation with Pictures: How Art Collecting Gave Women a Voice, by Sheila Barker

"Starting the Conversation with Pictures: How Art Collecting Gave Women a Voice" by Sheila Barker (University of Penssylvania/ Studio Incamminati).
This conference is part of the Symposium "Key Women in the Creation of the Prado’s Collections. From Isabella of Bourbon to Maria Anna of Neuburg" which took place on 6 and 7 March 2023.
Two relevant features of the Prado Museum’s make it paradigmatic in our study of the role of women in the field of artistic patronage: we can explore, recover, and discuss and disseminate these women’s contributions to the creation ... continua

Visita: www.museodelprado.es

Daily Show for November 04, 2022 Democracy Now

We begin our July Fourth special broadcast with the words of Frederick Douglass. Born into slavery around 1818, Douglass became a key leader of the abolitionist movement. On July 5, 1852, in Rochester, New York, Douglass gave one of his most famous speeches, “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” He was addressing the Rochester Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Society. James Earl Jones reads the historic address during a performance of Voices of a People’s History of the United States, which was co-edited by Howard Zinn. The late great historian introduces the address.

Visita: www.democracynow.org

The price of shame - Monica Lewinsky

In 1998, says Monica Lewinsky, “I was Patient Zero of losing a personal reputation on a global scale almost instantaneously”. Today, the kind of online public shaming she went through has become a constant. In a brave talk, she takes a look at our “culture of humiliation,” in which online shame equals dollar signs - and demands a different way.

Daily Show for July 18, 2024 Democracy Now!

After Ohio Senator J.D. Vance makes his nomination official as the Republican vice-presidential candidate in 2024, we spend the show looking at his record. We begin with a discussion on Vance’s professed economic populism with independent journalist Zaid Jilani and The Nation's Chris Lehmann. Jilani argues Vance's pro-working class image is not only genuine, but that he may also hold enough sway to bring the Republican Party closer to the labor movement. “Big business does fear Vance to some extent,” he says. Lehmann counters, “I don’t see the Republican ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

Daily Show for June 26, 2024 Democracy Now!

A ciegas

de Fernando Meirelles. Brasil. - 2008 Cuando una repentina plaga de ceguera trae el caos y la devastación a una ciudad, un grupo de afectados colabora para superar las horribles condiciones de cuarentena a las que les someten.

Visita: www.cinelatinotrieste.org

The Women of the House of Habsburg in the Courts of Europe's Baroque Period

Round table: "The Women of the House of Habsburg in the Courts of Europe's Baroque Period". Composed of Katrin Keller (Austrian Academy of Sciences), Mathieu Da Vinha (Centre de recherche du château de Versailles), Derval Conroy (University College Dublin), and moderated by Kathleen Wilson Chevalier (American University, París).
This round table took place in the symposium "Key Women in the Creation of the Prado’s Collections. From Isabella of Bourbon to Maria Anna of Neuburg" which took place on 6 and 7 March 2023.
Two relevant features of the Prado Museum’s ... continua

Visita: www.museodelprado.es


Regia: Julien Temple Sceneggiatura: Julien Temple (2006) Glastonbury is a 2006 rockumentary film directed by Julien Temple which details the history of the Glastonbury Festival from 1970 to 2005. It is the third attempt to make a film about the festival. The film is made up of footage shot by Temple at the festival in 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 as well as footage sent in by festivalgoers after a request on websites and newspapers for footage.

Daily Show for July 03, 2024 Democracy Now!

As the earliest Category 5 storm ever observed in the Atlantic carves a
path of destruction through the Caribbean, we get an update on damage
from Hurricane Beryl from the prime minister of St. Vincent and the
Grenadines, Ralph Gonsalves, where the storm hit Tuesday. He describes
the disaster scenes he witnessed and discusses the rising challenge of
extreme weather fueled by the climate crisis. “The developed countries,
the major emitters, are not taking this matter seriously,” says
Gonsalves. He says the world must dramatically reduce emissions and ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

Del odio nace el amor

de Emilio Fernández. México/USA. 1950.
En tiempos de la revolución, las tropas zapatistas del general José Juan Reyes toman la tranquila y conservadora ciudad de Cholula. Mientras confisca los bienes de los ricos del pueblo, el general Reyes se enamora de la bella, rica e indomable María Dolores Peñafiel, hija del hombre más notable de Cholula. El desprecio inicial que María Dolores siente hacia el revolucionario da paso a la curiosidad y, finalmente, a un profundo y auténtico amor. Versión en inglés del clásico protagonizado por María Felix, "Enamorada" ... continua

Visita: www.cinelatinotrieste.org