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Un día con Tortoise (A day with Tortoise)

Se trata de un documental atípico, coherente con la inasibilidad del vibrante sonido del grupo. «No somos genios del márketing, sólo somos músicos creativos. Así es que no podemos definir lo que hacemos», es una de las muchas frases que en este trabajo refuerza la idea de Tortoise como una banda esencialmente indefinible, incómoda con las etiquetas de género y las exigencias de autocategorización. A la vez, es esa ambigüedad conceptual la clave de su amplitud, desprejuicio y esencial espíritu cooperativo. Sólo hacia el final, vemos los rostros de quienes ... continua

Visita: www.cinelatinotrieste.org

Zion Train @ Rototom Sunsplash 2012

Zion Train empezaron su actividad en 1990, mezclando su pasión por el dub rggae ortodoxo de las sesiones de Jah Shaka o Aba Shanti I y la gran energía de los ritmos techno y trance, que explotaban en las grandes raves de moda en aquel periodo. Más allá de esta actitud sonora, una gran militancia en los campos social y espiritual ha distinguido siempre a este grupo, que ha vehiculado con su música mensajes de gran inteligencia y sensibilidad.
De los sonidos minimal de sus primeros trabajos, a través de sonidos más complejos de clásicos como 'Homegrown fantasy' ... continua

Visita: www.rototomsunsplash.com

Visita: www.rototom.tv

Inseguendo il ghiaccio - Chasing Ice

Anni di fotografie scattate giorno dopo giorno durante la spedizione "Extreme Ice Survey" ricostruisco il ritiro dei ghiacci in Islanda, Groenlandia, Alaska e Montana. "E' una cosa magica, miracolosa, orribile e spaventosa", una frase del film che lo rappresenta piuttosto bene. Tratto dalle immagini del fotografo americano James Balog, 2012

Visita: ugobardi.blogspot.it

People Before Profit - Le persone prima del profitto

Most development projects, at face value, seem aimed at improving the lives of people. The reality for communities living at or near a project -- be it a dam, a sports complex, or a shopping mall -- is often quite different. Forced evictions regularly do not uphold obligations to fairly consult, compensate, resettle and rehabilitate communities. An estimated 15 million people are affected each year. People Before Profit attempts to tell the story of the more universal human experience before, during and after an eviction as well as the positive ways communities are ... continua

Visita: blog.witness.org

Lights of Old Santa Fe

1944 Rival rodeos are operated by good guy Gabby and bad guy Richard Powers. Dale is trying to choose between them, aided ultimately by Roy and the Sons of the Pioneers (who are radio singers). Director: Frank McDonald Writers: Gordon Kahn (original screenplay), Robert Creighton Williams (original screenplay) Stars: Roy Rogers, Trigger, George 'Gabby' Hayes

Visita: www.publicdomaintorrents.info

Sheriff of Tombstone

The mayor has sent for a gunslinger who, though appearing to clean up the town, is really to be the mayor's means of taking the town over. When Roy and Gabby arrive in Tombstone, Roy is mistaken for the gunslinger. Just as Roy is ready to expose the mayor, the real gunslinger shows up. Director: Joseph Kane Writers: James Webb (original story), Olive Cooper (screenplay) Stars: Roy Rogers, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Elyse Knox

Visita: www.publicdomaintorrents.info


Dennis Stauffer - a photographer from Switzerland bring us a cinematic journey through Southeast Asia. Music composed by: Chris Cutting. Shot on a Canon 5D Mark II

Visita: www.zoomion.ch

Visita: www.chriscutting.com

Charlie Chaplin Twenty Minutes of Love

Film d'esordio di Chaplin regista.
Nel parco alcune coppiette si scambiano tenere effusioni. Una di queste però pare discutere per una questione di pegni d'amore mai profferti. Per rimediare, l'amante squattrinato, sfila l'orologio ad un'uomo assopito al sole, con l'intento di regalarlo alla sua bella.
Charlot ha occasione di sfilarglielo a sua volta e prova ad offrirlo proprio alla fidanzata del rivale che fa intervenire un poliziotto per dirimere la questione di proprietà, ma il legittimo proprietario, ripresosi dalla momentanea debolezza, fa valere le sue ... continua

Visita: www.publicdomaintorrents.info

'Break the Habit' - Childhood Obesity Ad Austrailia

'Break the Habit' aims to draw attention to the epidemic of childhood obesity in Australia. The commercial takes a controversial view on the subject of parents who continue to feed their children junk food regardless of the damaging effects it is known to cause them. By comparing junk food to drug abuse helps remind parents that junk food is a major contributor of childhood obesity.

Death to the Death Penalty

Amnesty International's Death Penalty Campaign