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1969, the year that changed the world forever

1969, a polarizing year that changed the world forever. To commemorate, Sabbatical Entertainment presents Time Capsule ’69. We travel to the past to witness how history was transformed and relive unforgettable events such as Woodstock Festival, The Beatles' last performance, Pelé's 1,000th goal, as well as the first man to set foot on the moon.

Atomic Africa: Clean energy's dirty secrets

Africa's development is being held back by poor infrastructure and undersized power plants. Countries like Uganda can only produce only 1/4 of the energy needed, leading to daily power cuts with disastrous economic impacts. It's a golden opportunity for nuclear giants who lobby aggressively for more power plants in Africa. But how safe are these new reactors? And what do they mean for locals?

The price of shame - Monica Lewinsky

In 1998, says Monica Lewinsky, “I was Patient Zero of losing a personal reputation on a global scale almost instantaneously”. Today, the kind of online public shaming she went through has become a constant. In a brave talk, she takes a look at our “culture of humiliation,” in which online shame equals dollar signs - and demands a different way.

Zelensky: the comedian who became a leader

When Russia invaded Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky was thrown into the global spotlight and became the face of resistance and the perseverance of democracy. Not even Zelensky himself imagined that in 2019, without any prior political experience, he would be elected president of Ukraine. A leader who, though we do not know the fate that awaits him, will serve as a model for leadership and bravery in the face of great adversity for us all.

Wild France

A documentary that shows the different fauna that populates natural habitats of France, and the people that aims to protect and preserve them.

Slaves all over the world

Pakistan, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Guatemala... there are many children around the world who work in very difficult and dangerous conditions.

The Amish dilemma

Three generations of Amish make a rare decision to tell their stories after months of reflection and debate with their pastors. How can they live between an ancestral ideology and a civilization of consumption pushed to the extreme? This documentary raises questions about the notion of individual freedom, belonging to a minority, economic and social norms, as well as the place of women.

Ecco come utilizzo il sonar per esplorare il mondo

Daniel Kish è cieco dalla tenera età di 13 mesi, ma ha imparato a vedere utilizzando una forma di eco-localizzazione. Con lo schiocco della lingua invia dei segnali sonori che rimbalzano sulle superfici dell'ambiente e tornano indietro, aiutandolo ad immaginare lo spazio che lo circonda. In un discorso appassionante, Kish dimostra come funziona questo sistema e ci chiede di abbandonare la nostra paura del "buio ignoto".

Sylvia Earle: How to protect the oceans

Legendary ocean researcher Sylvia Earle shares astonishing images of the ocean -- and shocking stats about its rapid decline -- as she makes her TED Prize wish: that we will join her in protecting the vital blue heart of the planet. La leggendaria ricercatrice marina Sylvia Earle offre stupefacenti immagini dell'oceano - insieme a dati scioccanti sul suo rapido declino - mentre fa il suo appello TED Prize a tutti noi: di dedicarci insieme a lei a proteggere il vitale cuore blu del pianeta.

French Foreign Legion, inhuman recruitment!

Every year, 10,000 young people from all over the world come to the Selection and Incorporation Center of the Aubagne Foreign Legion. Only 10% will pass the entrance tests. The American Lim, the Malagasy Vaifana, the French Liénart and Revel hope to be part of this elite troop. At the same time, a few kilometers from Sper Kunday, in Afghanistan, 250 legionaries hold an advanced combat post surrounded by insurgents. Harassment is daily ...