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Tag: Mostra Communication

Totale: 88

Predicting tsunamis in Europe

Two years ago, a tsunami struck Southeast Asia, leaving up to 230,000 dead in its wake. A similar scenario could happen on Europe s coasts, with the eastern Mediterranean being particularly vulnerable. European scientists are studying the question and hope to develop a warning system for coastal populations.
The Mediterranean region has already been a victim of tsunamis in the past and there is every reason to believe that others will occur in the future. The TRANSFER and SAFER projects, supported by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme for ... continua

Promouvoir la participation au MDP (Mécanismes de développements propres)

Telle qu’elle s’organise, la lutte contre le changementclimatique peut offrir des opportunités de développement économique etsocial aux les pays en développement. En signant le Protocole de Kyoto, laplupart des pays industrialisés se sont en effet engagés à limiter leursémissions de CO2 par un système de quotas. Au besoin, un mécanisme leurpermet cependant d’acheter sur les marchés internationaux des droitsd’émission supplémentaires à des pays en développement ou émergents. Ceux-cine sont soumis à aucune restriction de leurs émissions. ... continua

Protecting Passengers and Goods Transport in Europe

Frankfurt, Germany, 10 am. While some people take a coffee break, others prepare more explosive cocktails. We are heading for the airport. This man's goal is to enter the security area with a bomb. He passes himself off as airline employee. Interviews:Jacques BarrotVice-President of the European Commission responsible for TransportFrank Durinckx, Director of Belgian's Aviation InspectorateClaude Moniquet, European Strategic Intelligence and Security CenterPeter Mollema, Port of Rotterdam, Director Strategy Visit the site: www.mostra.com

Protecting the tree of Life

Europe is a continent of breathtaking natural beauty and dramatic contrasts. The EU?s 27 Member States stretch from the frozen Arctic Circle in the north to the warm Mediterranean waters in the south. From the wave-lashed Atlantic coast in Ireland to the snow-capped Carpathian mountains in Romania, the EU includes a vast range of natural habitats and a great diversity of flora and fauna.
Our natural heritage includes several thousand types of habitat, 520 species of bird, 10 000 plant species and at least 100 000 species of invertebrate. Yet, in comparison with other ... continua

Protection de la dignité des personnes âgées

Tournage en RépubliqueTchèque dans un centre communautaire pour personnes âgées.
Le centre est installé à Prague et est géré par Zivot 90. Le centre proposeun service téléphonique « Senior Line », un accueil temporaire pourpersonnes malades, un service de revalidation, etc.
Tournage au Royaume-Uni, àLondres, chez Kay.
Kay souffre de sclérose en plaques et a été abusée par une aide à domicile.Aussi des vues générales de Londres et des images de personnes âgées dansla rue.
Tournage au Pays-Bas, à laFondation Humanitas.
La Fondation gère des ... continua

Research on underwater mud volcanoes

The oceans are home to 90% of life on earth, which is why it is essential to study their functions. That is precisely the aim of the HERMES project (Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas) initiated under the Sixth European Research Framework Programme. One of the subjects being explored by HERMES is mud volcanoes, and more specifically underwater mud volcanoes.
Mud volcanoes are cone-shaped formations of sediment, of variable size. They are composed of a mixture of fluids (generally water and gases) and mud (undercompacted clay), which flow from ... continua

Research to Protect Deep-sea Corals

Swedish marine biologist Toomas Lundalv and Lisbeth Jonsson arrive early at their research boat. Thery are taking advantage of the longer, warmer Scandinavian summer-days to sail off the Tisler Reefm, an area just one hour from the coast, near the maritime border between Sweden and Norway. They are looking for Europe's secret underwater gardens: deep-water coral reefs. They use this Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) to take pictures of the reef. And this is what they find: the largest onshore deep-water coral reefs discovered in Europe to date. The reefs is around 1200 ... continua

Researchers Playing Hard at World Cup

The leading football nations are competing for the World Cup, stirring emotions amongst billions of fans around the globe.Gelsenkirchen in Northwestern Germany: where Ecuador is about to Play Poland.Marcin has come with friends from Warsaw to support his team and enjoy the occasion. Interviews: Marcin,Henry Barthel, EPCglobal, Bussels BelgiumChristopher Hermann, AOK StuttgartMonika Rother, Marienhospital StuttgartAneta Baier, IRT MunichThomas Schierbaum , IRT MunichKlaus Illigner, IRT Munich Visit the site: www.mostra.com Download subtitles:

Road Safety: Everybody's Business

The first-ever European Road Safety Day, dedicated to young drivers, will be held in Brussels on 27 April 2007.
The event is the European Commission's way of reminding young people that road safety is everyone's business. It is also meant to help maintain the impetus around its action programme aimed at saving 25 000 lives a year in 2010 compared to 2001, in other words, halving the 50 000 fatalities registered in 2001.
Interviews:Jacques Barrot: Vice President of the European Commission responsible for Transport.
Serge Morelli: President CLUB 14.
Ivan Hodac: ... continua

SIDA : nouvelles pistes de traitements et de vaccins

Ce 1er décembre 2006, verra la XIX ième édition de la Journée Mondiale contre le Sida. Des données alarmantes montrent que dans certains pays, le taux des infections, autrefois stable ou en déclin, est en hausse. Selon les sources de UNAIDS, en 2006, plus de 4 millions de nouvelles personnes ont été infectées. Rien qu'en Europe centrale et orientale, plus de 740 000 individus vivent avec la maladie. La recherche sur le terrible virus s'intensifie. En Europe aussi, et, notamment, avec le soutien des institutions européennes, de nombreux laboratoires ... continua