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Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe ep 07

1940 - Action / Sci-Fi / Adventure

A mysterious plague, the Purple Death, ravages the earth. Dr. Zarkov, investigating in his spaceship, finds a ship from planet Mongo seeding the atmosphere with dust. Sure enough, Ming the Merciless is up to his old tricks. So it's back to Mongo for Flash, Dale, and Zarkov, this time with ready-made allies waiting: Prince Barin of Arboria and Queen Fria of the frozen northern land of Frigia; where, it so happens, is found polarite, antidote to the plague. But Ming will use all his forces to keep our heroes from thwarting ... continua

Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe ep 08

1940 - Action / Sci-Fi / Adventure

A mysterious plague, the Purple Death, ravages the earth. Dr. Zarkov, investigating in his spaceship, finds a ship from planet Mongo seeding the atmosphere with dust. Sure enough, Ming the Merciless is up to his old tricks. So it's back to Mongo for Flash, Dale, and Zarkov, this time with ready-made allies waiting: Prince Barin of Arboria and Queen Fria of the frozen northern land of Frigia; where, it so happens, is found polarite, antidote to the plague. But Ming will use all his forces to keep our heroes from thwarting ... continua

Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe ep 09

1940 - Action / Sci-Fi / Adventure

A mysterious plague, the Purple Death, ravages the earth. Dr. Zarkov, investigating in his spaceship, finds a ship from planet Mongo seeding the atmosphere with dust. Sure enough, Ming the Merciless is up to his old tricks. So it's back to Mongo for Flash, Dale, and Zarkov, this time with ready-made allies waiting: Prince Barin of Arboria and Queen Fria of the frozen northern land of Frigia; where, it so happens, is found polarite, antidote to the plague. But Ming will use all his forces to keep our heroes from thwarting ... continua

Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe ep 10

1940 - Action / Sci-Fi / Adventure

A mysterious plague, the Purple Death, ravages the earth. Dr. Zarkov, investigating in his spaceship, finds a ship from planet Mongo seeding the atmosphere with dust. Sure enough, Ming the Merciless is up to his old tricks. So it's back to Mongo for Flash, Dale, and Zarkov, this time with ready-made allies waiting: Prince Barin of Arboria and Queen Fria of the frozen northern land of Frigia; where, it so happens, is found polarite, antidote to the plague. But Ming will use all his forces to keep our heroes from thwarting ... continua

Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe ep 11

1940 - Action / Sci-Fi / Adventure

A mysterious plague, the Purple Death, ravages the earth. Dr. Zarkov, investigating in his spaceship, finds a ship from planet Mongo seeding the atmosphere with dust. Sure enough, Ming the Merciless is up to his old tricks. So it's back to Mongo for Flash, Dale, and Zarkov, this time with ready-made allies waiting: Prince Barin of Arboria and Queen Fria of the frozen northern land of Frigia; where, it so happens, is found polarite, antidote to the plague. But Ming will use all his forces to keep our heroes from thwarting ... continua

Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe ep 12

1940 - Action / Sci-Fi / Adventure

A mysterious plague, the Purple Death, ravages the earth. Dr. Zarkov, investigating in his spaceship, finds a ship from planet Mongo seeding the atmosphere with dust. Sure enough, Ming the Merciless is up to his old tricks. So it's back to Mongo for Flash, Dale, and Zarkov, this time with ready-made allies waiting: Prince Barin of Arboria and Queen Fria of the frozen northern land of Frigia; where, it so happens, is found polarite, antidote to the plague. But Ming will use all his forces to keep our heroes from thwarting ... continua

Fogueira Ufra

World social forum 2009 - BèlemVita quotidiana all'accampamento del villaggio della Pace.

Visita: www.wsftv.net

Folgorati Sulla via di Damasco

Le vie della seta sono divenute il simbolo stesso dell'intenso e duraturo scambio fra Oriente e Occidente e rappresentano ancora oggi uno straordinario itinerario di opportunità e di conoscenza. Siria, prima tappa di un viaggio lungo tremila anni dentro la storia dell'umanità; un "pellegrinaggio" alla ricerca della origini della storia che accomuna i popoli. Prodotto da: Marco Rigali e Daniela CapraIn collaborazione con Arcoiris TV

Forró de Domingo Festival 2014 - Valmir & Juzinha - Stuttgart, Alemania

http://www.forrofestival.com Forró-Performance of Valmir & Juzinha (group Pé Descalço, Belo Horizonte) at the Brasil Party "For All" one of the biggest Forró parties in Europe. This party is part of Europe's greatest Forró Festival: Forró de Domingo Festival 2014.
El Festival Forró de Domingo tiene lugar anualmente, y es una de las mayores fiestas de Forró en Europa. Se trata de un estilo de baile que se origina en el norte de Brasil, y esta pareja lo borda...
La música que acompaña al Forró varía, pero normalmente suele incluir un acordeón. Igualmente, ... continua

Forum dei Media liberi

World social forum 2009 - BèlemForum dei media liberi, in questo video un atto a fovore della democratizzazione della comunicazione.

Visita: www.wsftv.net