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Filosofia africana

di Marco Massoni, Prof. Università di Roma 3Il pensiero africano tra antropologia e filosofia. Storia della filosofia africana. Gli autori contemporanei e l'immagine dell'Africa all'esteroTerza lezione del corso "Diritti e Sostenibilità per Via della Pace". Spilamberto, 11 dicembre 2004 Visita il Sito www.overseas-onlus.org

Filosofia al presente

Presentazione del documento“Filosofia al presente”elaborato dal gruppo filosofia della Fondazione Italianieuropei. Il volume “Filosofia al presente”, a cura del gruppo Filosofia della Fondazione Italianieuropei, contiene una riflessione su due nodi principali: le condizioni di salute della forma politica moderna ed europea per eccellenza, lo Stato, e la biopolitica, cioè gli inediti scenari in cui si ridisegna l’azione politica una volta che investa, come oggi sempre più accade, gli uomini in quanto viventi prima ancora che come cittadini. Oltre al merito ... continua

Visita: www.casadellacultura.it

Fine della finanza - Da dove viene la crisi e come si può pensare di uscirne

Presentazione del libro
 "FINE DELLA FINANZA Da dove viene la crisi e come si può pensare di uscirne
" di Massimo Amato e Luca Fantacci (Donzelli editore). Ripensare la finanza significa, oggi, imparare a distinguere ciò che troppo spesso è confuso: moneta e credito, moneta e merce, economia di mercato e capitalismo. E riaprire il dibattito sui principi e sui fini implicati da un rapporto sano fra economia e finanza, di cui si sente sempre più drammaticamente l’esigenza.Intervengono Gianni Cuperlo, Pietro Modiano, Marco Onado. Coordina Ferruccio ... continua

Visita: www.casadellacultura.it

First Spaceship on Venus

1960 - Sci-Fiction

(U.S. Version) A mysterious magnetic spool found during a construction project is discovered to have originated from Venus. A rocket expedition to Venus is launched to discover the origin of the spool and the race that created it.
Directed by: Kurt Maetzig
Writing credits:Stanislaw Lem, Wolfgang Kohlhaase

Complete credited cast:
Yoko Tani Oldrich Lukes Ignacy Machowski Julius Ongewe Michail N. Postnikow Kurt Rackelmann Günther Simon Tang Hua-Ta Lucyna Winnicka Visit the site: ... continua

Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe ep 01

1940 - Action / Sci-Fi / Adventure

A mysterious plague, the Purple Death, ravages the earth. Dr. Zarkov, investigating in his spaceship, finds a ship from planet Mongo seeding the atmosphere with dust. Sure enough, Ming the Merciless is up to his old tricks. So it's back to Mongo for Flash, Dale, and Zarkov, this time with ready-made allies waiting: Prince Barin of Arboria and Queen Fria of the frozen northern land of Frigia; where, it so happens, is found polarite, antidote to the plague. But Ming will use all his forces to keep our heroes from thwarting ... continua

Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe ep 02

1940 - Action / Sci-Fi / Adventure

A mysterious plague, the Purple Death, ravages the earth. Dr. Zarkov, investigating in his spaceship, finds a ship from planet Mongo seeding the atmosphere with dust. Sure enough, Ming the Merciless is up to his old tricks. So it's back to Mongo for Flash, Dale, and Zarkov, this time with ready-made allies waiting: Prince Barin of Arboria and Queen Fria of the frozen northern land of Frigia; where, it so happens, is found polarite, antidote to the plague. But Ming will use all his forces to keep our heroes from thwarting ... continua

Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe ep 03

1940 - Action / Sci-Fi / Adventure

A mysterious plague, the Purple Death, ravages the earth. Dr. Zarkov, investigating in his spaceship, finds a ship from planet Mongo seeding the atmosphere with dust. Sure enough, Ming the Merciless is up to his old tricks. So it's back to Mongo for Flash, Dale, and Zarkov, this time with ready-made allies waiting: Prince Barin of Arboria and Queen Fria of the frozen northern land of Frigia; where, it so happens, is found polarite, antidote to the plague. But Ming will use all his forces to keep our heroes from thwarting ... continua

Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe ep 04

1940 - Action / Sci-Fi / Adventure

A mysterious plague, the Purple Death, ravages the earth. Dr. Zarkov, investigating in his spaceship, finds a ship from planet Mongo seeding the atmosphere with dust. Sure enough, Ming the Merciless is up to his old tricks. So it's back to Mongo for Flash, Dale, and Zarkov, this time with ready-made allies waiting: Prince Barin of Arboria and Queen Fria of the frozen northern land of Frigia; where, it so happens, is found polarite, antidote to the plague. But Ming will use all his forces to keep our heroes from thwarting ... continua

Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe ep 05

1940 - Action / Sci-Fi / Adventure

A mysterious plague, the Purple Death, ravages the earth. Dr. Zarkov, investigating in his spaceship, finds a ship from planet Mongo seeding the atmosphere with dust. Sure enough, Ming the Merciless is up to his old tricks. So it's back to Mongo for Flash, Dale, and Zarkov, this time with ready-made allies waiting: Prince Barin of Arboria and Queen Fria of the frozen northern land of Frigia; where, it so happens, is found polarite, antidote to the plague. But Ming will use all his forces to keep our heroes from thwarting ... continua

Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe ep 06

1940 - Action / Sci-Fi / Adventure

A mysterious plague, the Purple Death, ravages the earth. Dr. Zarkov, investigating in his spaceship, finds a ship from planet Mongo seeding the atmosphere with dust. Sure enough, Ming the Merciless is up to his old tricks. So it's back to Mongo for Flash, Dale, and Zarkov, this time with ready-made allies waiting: Prince Barin of Arboria and Queen Fria of the frozen northern land of Frigia; where, it so happens, is found polarite, antidote to the plague. But Ming will use all his forces to keep our heroes from thwarting ... continua