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Tag: cb

Totale: 19

CB - Interview with Philip Moser

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Philip Moser, Barrister, Monckton Chambers, London

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with Anders Lustgarten

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Anders Lustgarten, Counter Balance coalition

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with Alex Wilks

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Alex Wilks, former director of EURODAD

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with John Christensen

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?John Christensen, Tax Justice Network.

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with Aino Pennanen

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Aino Pennanen, Executive Officer (Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), Amnesty International

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with Eva Joly

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Eva Joly, Chairwoman of Committee on Development, European Parliament

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with Lidy Nacpyl

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Lidy Nacpyl, International Coordinator of Jubilee South Network, Philippines

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with Antony Foggartt

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Antony Foggartt, researcher

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

Conferenza del Prof. Dario Crosetto a Falconara

Il 15 Novembre 2008 nella sala convegni del Castello di Falconara, il Prof. Dario Crosetto illustra le caratteristiche della sua ultima invenzione scientifica la 3D-CBS Tridimensionale, strumento diagnostico medicale ad altissima tecnologia.
Il Prof. D. Crosetto spiegherà anche come e perché l'apparecchiatura diagnostica 3D-CBS Tridimensionale consente di definire diagnosi precocissime e con assoluta precisione in campo oncologico dato che migliora di 400 volte la qualità di lettura dell'esame rispetto alle apparecchiature attualmente in uso.
La 3D-CBS ... continua

Visita: www.crosettofoundation.com