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Daniela Pantosti - Geologia del terremoto: imprevisti che non devono sorprendere

Dirigente di Ricerca presso l'Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. Il suo ambito di ricerca principale è la Geologia dei Terremoti e Paleosismologia e il contributo che queste attività di ricerca portano alle stime di pericolosità sismica. Tra il 2013 e il 2016 è stato Direttore della Sezione "Sismologia e Tettonofisica" e attualmente è Direttore della Struttura Terremoti dell'INGV, con compiti di programmazione, sviluppo e verifica delle attività di ricerca.

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it


La desigualdad siempre trae muchos problemas: la violencia, la pobreza y la falta de autoridad del gobierno. Además de estos problemas, los tradicionales, hay una nueva plaga que se extiende entre los jóvenes en los guetos de las ciudades más grandes de Brasil: el consumo de crack y una nueva droga conocida como OXI, que es básicamente el último residuo y más tóxicos restante de la pasta básica de la cocaína.
Crack y OXI se han convertido en una nueva tragedia social en muchas favelas de Brasil, donde miles de menores de edad han perdido recientemente sus ... continua

El rehén

Una pareja joven sin querer se involucran en un robo, cuando la policía les quiere arrestar enteran en la casa de una chica joven que vive con su padre, y les secuestran como rehenes en su propia casa...

His favorite pasttime

His favourite pasttime is a 1914 in film American comedy film starring Charlie Chaplin. Charlie gets drunk in the bar. He steps outside, meets a pretty woman, tries to flirt with her, only to retreat after the woman's father returns. Returning to the bar, Charlie drinks some more and engages in rogue behaviors with others. He finally leaves the bar, sees the woman leaving, follows the woman home, and proceeds to make a nuisance of himself, eventually getting kicked out of the house.

Last alarm

Captain Hadley (J. Farrell MacDonald, who also appeared as the City Editor in "Danger Ahead") reaches the age limit for firefighter and is retired. While he is bored out of his mind at home, an arsonist (George Pembroke), who evidently is called Wendell, despite the fact that noone ever calls him by name, starts to burn the city down, building by building. After his friend Burt (Joel Friedkin) dies fighting a fire, Hadley unofficially joins up with the arson squad to track down the arsonist; but as Hadley zeroes in on Wendell, Wendell zeroes in on Hadley...
The Last ... continua

Musical tramps

Charlie Chaplins 31st Film Released Nov. 07 1914 As His Musical Career


A scientist doing experiments on a human fetus discovers a method to accelerate the fetus into a mature adult in just a few days. However, the "adult" fetus turns into a homicidal psycho and looks for a new formula to prevent her from aging further.

Coney Island

Fatty Arbuckle visits the famous amusement park with the assistance of Buster Keaton and Al St john. Arbuckle wrote and directed this comedy in 1917

Woody Woodpecker Season08 Special - Woodys News Reel

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Vicky Arroyo: Cambio climático

En el marco del Congreso del Futuro, Vicky Arroyo –Directora Ejecutiva del Centro Climático de Georgetown en Estados Unidos– realizó su charla magistral sobre: “Cambio climático”.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl