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The animal kingdom

The animal kingdom (also known as The woman in his house in the UK) is a 1932 American comedy-drama film directed by Edward H. Griffith based upon a comedy of manners of the same name by Philip Barry.
The film starred Leslie Howard (actor), Ann Harding, Myrna Loy, William Gargan, Ilka Chase, and Neil Hamilton (actor). Howard, Gargan, and Chase also starred in the play when it opened on Broadway theatre on 12 January 1932.
In 1960, the film entered the List of films in the public domain in the United States due to the claimants failure to renew its copyright ... continua

Charlie's recreation

Recreation is a short comedy film written, directed, and starring Charlie Chaplin. It was released on 13 August 1914.

Eternally yours

Eternally yours is a 1939 American United Artists film produced and directed by Tay Garnett with Walter Wanger as executive producer, from a screenplay by C. Graham Baker and Gene Towne. It stars Loretta Young and David Niven. Composer Werner Janssen was nominated for the Academy Award for Original Music Score.

White Pongo

Hunters and scientists venture into the jungle to track down a savage albino gorilla, which they believe could be the missing link between man and ape

Power dive

After a crash a test pilot and his designer brother create a new experimental airplane. Power dive is a 1941 American film directed by James P. Hogan

All the kind strangers

A couple traveling through a backwoods area are held by a a group of orphans who want them to become their parents. Unfortunately, the kids have a habit of killing adults who refuse that particular honor

It's alive

In this sci-fi film a loony farmer finds a prehistoric monster hiding in a cavern on his land. To feed his newest critter, the farmer kidnaps three people. The three desperately try to escape and finally, one of them succeeds

Felice Cimatti - Perché la mente non coincide con il cervello

Insegna Filosofia del Linguaggio all'Università degli Studi della Calabria. Fra le sue pubblicazioni: La vita che verrà, Filosofia dell'animalità, Il taglio - Linguaggio e pulsione di morte, Filosofia - un'introduzione in ventuno passi, Corpo, linguaggio e società e, con Leonardo Caffo, A come animale per un bestiario dei sentimenti. È docente presso l'Istituto Freudiano, sede di Roma.

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

Chile - Vidas en cuotas

En Chile, como consecuencia del modelo neoliberal y de los desajustes heredados de ?la dictadura cívico-militar y su mal llamado "milagro económico", la precariedad es el ?pan de cada día de la mayoría de los chilenos.? Una de las pocas ayudas con las que cuenta el trabajador con poca capacidad adquisitiva es "el crédito", un mecanismo utilizado de forma transversal que, gracias a una alianza mercado-Estado, le permite acceso a bienes o servicios.

El último nudo

Foruzande, el dueño de una fábrica de alfombras, se encuentra atrapado en el cabo suelto del pasado de su única y amada hija, mientras todo se complica debido a la traición de uno de sus empleados.