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La impresión 3D: una revolución

La impresión en 3D promete posibilidades absolutamente nuevas para una producción más sostenible y local. ¿Mejorará todo con la impresión en 3D? El documental muestra cómo la innovación modifica el mundo de las mercancías.

A flawed family flick

This is a project that was put together in just a few hours. Many young children have no interest in silent movies, which means they are missing some of the best movies ever made. We produced this short subject in the hope that it would spark some interest in old silent movies for a younger generation. I enjoyed the video so much I am now hoping to produce several more of them......Special Editors Note: we have created "Flawed Family Flicks" as a fun way to rekindle new interest in some great old movies. These remixes were originally created for my grandchildren, and ... continua

The Blacksmith

Blacksmiths' assistant inadvertent clowning around in the shop, gets into fight with the smithy who is then arrested and placed in jail. In the meantime, the assistant tries to help several customers with devastating comedic consequences.

Michael Sandel: Charla magistral

En el marco del Congreso del Futuro, Michael Sandel –Profesor y filósofo político de la Universidad de Harvard– realizó una charla magistral.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Lisa Kaltenegger: Habitar el Universo, ¿Volver al origen?

En el marco del Congreso del Futuro, Lisa Kaltenegger –Doctora en Astrofísica– realizó su charla magistral: “Habitar el Universo, ¿Volver al origen?”.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Dal fascino dell'ignoto al sopravvento dell'ignoranza

Antonella Viola - Professoressa di Patologia generale, Università di Padova, Direttore Scientifico dell’Istituto di Ricerca Pediatrica (IRP), Socio Onorario CICAP Sergio Della Sala - Professor of Human Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Edinburgh, UK, Presidente CICAP Raul Cremona - Prestigiatore. Modera: Federico Taddia - Giornalista e Autore televisivo CICAP - FEST 2018 Auditorium Orto Botanico, Padova 16/09/2018

Visita: www.cicap.org

Piero Bianucci - L'informazione? Siete voi!

Scrittore e giornalista radiotelevisivo, è editorialista de La Stampa. Ha ideato e diretto il settimanale Tuttoscienze, insegna in un Master dell'Università degli Studi di Padova. Scrive di Astronomia, Energetica, Scienze della Terra, Telecomunicazioni e Tecnologie di uso quotidiano. Il suo ultimo libro è Vedere, guardare. Dal microscopio alle stelle, viaggio attraverso la luce, Utet, 2015.

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

El Islam en Portugal

Los musulmanes en el año 711 entraron en la Península Ibérica. En 712 llegaron a la parte oeste de la península que se llamaba Algarve Al - Andalus. Los árabes permanecieron durante 400 años en ese lugar y dejaron algunas influencias que aún podemos sentir. Una de las influencias más importantes de los árabes en esta región es la religión de Islam. En este documental intentamos conocer más la historia de los musulmanes en la Península.

His girl friday

Hilarious romantic comedy starring Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell. Russell is rough and tumble reporter looking to get out of the news racket by marrying and becoming a house wife after her divorce from newspaper publisher Grant. Just when she is about to leave town with her husband-to-be the still lovesick Grant drafts her to cover one final breaking news sensation. Along with plenty of laughs and fast paced dialog this film provides a witty and cynical look at news business. There is a slight audio sync problem in the first couple minutes of the film. It is present ... continua

Judge Priest

Judge Priest depicting life in Kentucky after the Civil War and Reconstruction Period. It still shows the stereotypes and prejudices which existed at that time in a somewhat humorous manner. Based on a story by the noted Kentucky humorist, Irvin S. Cobb, it presents life as one would have imagined it at that time period