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The mad monster

A mad scientist changes his simple-minded handyman into a werewolf in order to prove his supposedly crazy scientific theories - and exact revenge

Rocky Jones, Space Ranger

Cruising the galaxy in his space ship "The Orbit Jet" Space Ranger, Rocky Jones (Richard Crane), Vena Ray (Sally Mansfield), and 10 year-old Bobby (Robert Lyden) defend the Earth and themselves against space-bound evil doers. A couple of missiles strike earth and Rocky and the gang go to find out where they are coming from. They end up on a moon of Jupiter which is perfect for their survival. They are lucky to land because they have run out of gas. At least their gas gauge says so.

Refugees' phone records - #MyEscape to Europe (1/2)

Their escapes were shocking, dramatic and filmed entirely on their mobile phones. Refugees describe their flight to Germany in this award-winning documentary.
#MyEscape tells the story of a migrant crisis in a digital age. Refugees are reliant on smart phones – from journey planning to morale-boosting phone calls home, the devices are a lifeline for those fleeing to Europe. They carry memories of places left behind and dreams of places not yet seen.
#MyEscape brings together stories from those who have fled their homelands. It lets refugees speak for themselves ... continua

Woody Woodpecker Season07 Episode02 - Scrambled Eggs

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Woody Woodpecker Season07 Episode04 - 100 Pygmies and Andy Panda

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Ricardo Uauy: La obesidad es la epidemia del siglo

Ricardo Uauy: Doctor en Bioquímica Nutricional. Médico y Premio Nacional de Ciencias Aplicadas y Tecnológicas 2012. Forma parte del cuerpo académico del Instituto de Nutrición y Tecnología de Alimentos de la Universidad de Chile (INTA), y de la London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine de Inglaterra. Su trabajo se ha enfocado en estudiar los requerimientos nutricionales en estados de salud y enfermedad.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Anna Gregorio - Conoscere il nostro Universo: un termometro, un telescopio e ... un cubetto

Ricercatrice presso il Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Università degli Studi di Trieste. Si occupa di astrofisica sperimentale, nello specifico delle missioni spaziali scientifiche dei satelliti Euclid e Planck dell'European Space Agency.È tra i fondatori di PicoSaTs, un'azienda che costruisce nano-satelliti. Autrice di oltre 200 pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali.

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

E se il "paranormale" fosse una scienza?

Intervista di contro.tv al videomaker Emanuele Palmieri

Visita: contro.tv

islam en Bolivia - Hollywood Cut Hollywood y la incitación a la islamofobia

gracias a Hispantv en este documental vemos como hollywood incita a la islamofobia.

Diez dígitos

Firuz es un ladrón que sin querer se mete en un robo profesional en un museo de alfombras. En medio de este robo, Firuz se enamora de una chica, y entre el amor y el dinero tiene que decidir con cual quedarse...