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Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks

Count Frankenstein has been conducting experiments in an attempt to bring the dead back to life. When a caveman is discovered near the village and beaten to death by a mob of locals, Frankenstein acquires the caveman's body and brings it back to his lab where his life's work finally comes to fruition. The caveman lives again

Frankenstein's daughter

The psychopathic grandson of Baron Frankenstein, calling himself Oliver Frank, has found an ideal position in sunny California as an assistant to chemist Carter Morton, and lives with him, his teenage daughter Trudy, and the gardener with whom he's secretly carrying on the family tradition. He's also been testing a drug on Trudy when he's not hitting on her, and otherwise behaving badly. Needing a brain (always the Frankenstein Achilles Heel), and when sexually spurned on a date with Trudy's friend Suzie, he seizes the moment and runs her down with his car. After ... continua

Frans de Waal: Sociedad, ¿Confianza y empatía o individualismo?

En el marco del Congreso del Futuro, Frans de Waal -Doctor en Biología, etólogo y biólogo- presentó su charla: "Sociedad, ¿Confianza y empatía o individualismo"

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Fraude millonario en Alemania - La historia de Big Manni

Manfred Schmider robó más de 4.000 millones de marcos alemanas a través de su empresa FlowTex. Fue uno de los delitos de guante blanco más graves de Alemania. Hoy a él mismo le sorprende lo fácil que fue construir una pomposa estructura de mentiras.
Durante años, bancos y empresas de arrendamiento financiero le pagaron dinero a Manfred "Big Manni" Schmider, un empresario de Baden, por máquinas que ni siquiera existían. La mayoría de las más de 3.000 máquinas perforadoras de túneles que al parecer se utilizaban en obras de construcción en todo el mundo ... continua

Freak Out

autoproduzione audio/video music : basso elettrico + Renoise video : VSE Blender Quest' opera è distribuita con licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condautoproduzione audio/video music : basso elettrico + Renoise video : VSE Blender Quest' opera è distribuita con licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0 This video is fair use under U.S. copyright law because it is (1) noncommercial, (2) trasformative in nature, (3) does not compete with the original work and could have no negative effect on its ... continua

Freddy's return: A nightmare reborn

Set between the events of A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child and Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare, Freddy's Return is a feature-length non-profit fan production about a young man named Kevin Marks. As a child, Kevin was kidnapped by Freddy Krueger before Freddy was killed by a mob of angry parents. Although he he rescued by the detective that arrested Krueger, he was left scarred emotionally and psychologically. 13 years have passed, and Kevin's family has moved back to Elm Street, stirring up Kevin's darkest memories. A weakened, desperate Freddy, trapped ... continua

Frei Betto - Quale speranza nell'epoca del nuovo autoritarismo

Martedì 30 ottobre
presso la Chiesa della Parrocchia BVA a Modena
Frei Betto, domenicano brasiliano, è un teologo, scrittore e politico brasiliano. Come scrittore è stato insignito del premio Jabuti, ha pubblicato 64 volumi. Viene considerato uno massimi esponenti della Teologia della Liberazione.
Frei Betto, assieme ai confratelli Frei Tito, frei Fernando e frei Ivo, fu imprigionato e torturato nel 1969 dalla dittatura militare brasiliana per resistenza e avversione al regime militare brasiliano, furono liberati nel 1972.
Ha vissuto nelle favelas, tra gli ... continua

Visita: www.rrrquarrata.it

Frei Betto en Montevideo

Frei Betto es un fraile dominico brasileño, teólogo de la liberación. Es autor de más de 50 libros de diversos géneros literarios y de temas religiosos. Algunos de ellos fueron llevados al cine. Fue preso y torturado por la Dictadura Brasileña. Vivio años en la Favela de Vitoria y luego a otra en San Pablo donde conocio a Lula. Asesor de algunos gobiernos de países socialistas, como Cuba, Checoslovaquia, China, la Unión Soviética, Nicaragua y Polonia acerca de las relaciones entre la Iglesia Católica y el Estado. Desarrolla su actividad pastoral en las CEB ... continua

Fresa y chocolate

David (Vladimir Cruz) es un comunista convencido que estudia sociología en la Universidad de La Habana. Diego (Jorge Perugorría) es un artista homosexual acosado por la homofobia del régimen castrista. A pesar de las abismales diferencias que los separan, entre ellos surge una profunda amistad.

Fright to the finish

Popeye the Sailor is a cartoon fictional character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre on January 17, 1929, and Popeye became the strip's title in later years. Popeye has also appeared in theatrical and television animated cartoons