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Her favorite patient

A beautiful female doctor (Ruth Hussey) visits her small hometown on her way back to Chicago. Her overworked uncle (Charles Ruggles), who is the town's doctor, wants her to stay and help him, and he and a macho test pilot (John Carroll) who's fallen for her come up with a plan that involves the pilot faking an illness and being treated by her, with her uncle's "help"

Hercules - Riassuntazzo brutto brutto

Here comes trouble

A newspaper publisher (Emory Parnell) is being blackmailed by a burlesque queen (Joan Woodbury), and he sends one of his reporters (William Tracy) to talk to her


La Habana sigue viva. Su gente está en las calles, en las plazas, en las iglesias, en las salas de baile, en las escuelas. Y continúa transmitiendo una herencia hecha de risas antiguas, de ritmos africanos, de tintes fuertes. "Herencia" es una historia de emociones donde
la imagen habla por si sola. En este documental se encontrará el mestizaje y la transculturación presentes en Cuba. Estas dos palabras lo dicen todo.
Dirección | Regia | Director: Ana Hurtado
Guión | Sceneggiatura | Sceenplay: Ana Hurtado, Pere Marzo
Fotografía | Fotografia | Director of ... continua

Visita: www.cinelatinotrieste.org

Herencia Maya en Guatemala - Al Sur del Mundo

Las tradiciones de Guatemala, sus bailes, fiestas rituales y las ciudades Mayas de la selva, como la espléndida Tikal, son herencia de la cultura que mejor desarrolló el arte y la belleza en América: La Cultura Maya. Dirección: Francisco Gedda Asistente de Dirección: Ángeles Nuño Fotografía: Francisco Gedda Montaje: Francisco Gedda, Pedro Chaskel Sonido: Carlos Johnson Producción: Ángeles Nuño Música Original: José Miguel Miranda: José Miguel Tobar Narración: Freddy Hube © SUR IMAGEN 1995

Visita: www.alsurdelmundo.cl

Hervé Le Bras: Migración en el mundo globalizado

Hervé Le Bras: Demógrafo e historiador francés. Es director de estudios en el Institut National D'études Démographiques (INED) y Profesor en el École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) de Francia. Director del Laboratoire de Démographie Historique (EHESS/CNRS) desde 1989. Hervé Le Bras es también director de Estudios invitado del Churchill College (Cambridge) y redactor jefe de la revista Population.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Hey! Hey! USA

Will Hay plays Dr. Benjamin Twist, a man whose ambitions outstrip his abilities. Twist is a porter on an ocean liner bound for America who, through convoluted plot twists, finds himself masquerading as a professor. Teaming up with a gangster stowaway (Edgar Kennedy), Twist finds himself embroiled in a kidnap plot on the far side of the pond that is complicated by the fact that two sets of gangsters are attempting to get their hands on the ransom money

Hi Diddle Diddle

Hi Diddle Diddle is a black-and-white film American comedy film made in 1943 directed by Andrew L. Stone and starring Adolphe Menjou, Martha Scott, Dennis O'Keefe, June Havoc, Billie Burke, and (in a rare film appearance) Pola Negri. The title is a play on the nursery rhyme Hey Diddle Diddle and the use of diddle as a word for confidence trick. The film features animated portions from Leon Schlesinger's studion with the fast moving screenplay frequently breaking the fourth wall. The film is also known as Diamonds and Crime (American reissue title).

High society

Mickey lives with his Uncle Pat, and they frequently have corned beef for dinner. The gang meanwhile steals fruit from the local merchant by using a funnel and a drainpipe. The police officer who catches them wants to teach them a lesson, and then goes to get corned beef dinner with Pat. Mickey is soon adopted by his Aunt Kate to make him into a little gentleman. She and her butler bathe him down, slick back his hair and put him in a Little Lord Fauntleroy suit. To make things worse is Mickey's Cousin Percy who make his life even more miserable. During a time when ... continua

High voltage

A busload of passengers gets stranded in a snowstorm and take refuge in an abandoned church, where they run into a mysterious man who may be on the run from the law. High voltage (1929) is an American film, produced by Pathé Exchange and directed by Howard Higgin. The film stars William Boyd (actor), Diane Ellis, Owen Moore, Phillips Smalley, Billy Bevan and Carole Lombard, in her feature-length "talkie" film debut, billed as "Carol Lombard".