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Hirohisa Hirukawa: Soluciones robóticas para problemas de movilidad

Hirohisa Hirukawa: Director del Centro de Investigación de Innovación de Robots en AIST, Japón. Es autor de más de cien artículos y libros, incluida la Introducción a la robótica humana (Springer). Ha desarrollado robots humanoides, incluidos HRP-2, HRP-3 y HRP-4C, y es uno de los principales contribuyentes para la creación de un Centro de seguridad de robots en AIST. Fue galardonado con el Premio de Ciencia y Tecnología por el Ministro de Educación, Cultura, Deportes, Ciencia y Tecnología y el Premio a la Innovación Abierta por el Primer Ministro de ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Hiroshi Amano: Iluminar el futuro con LEDS

Hiroshi Amano: Premio Nobel de Física 2014, por la invención de diodos emisores de luz azul eficientes que han hecho posibles las fuentes de luz blanca brillantes y de bajo consumo. La creación de luz blanca pura fue una revolución en el campo de la eficiencia energética. Director del Center for Integrated Research of Future Electronics, Universidad de Nagoya.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Hiroshi Ishiguro: “¿Superará la inteligencia artificial a la biológica?

En el marco del Congreso del Futuro, el androide Hiroshi Ishiguro realizó su charla magistral: “Inteligencia artificial, ¿Superará la inteligencia artificial a la inteligencia biológica? ¿Hasta dónde?"

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

His double life

His Double Life 1933 (re-uploaded-trimmed to 1hr8min ) the other post on this site had approx 1/2 hour of dead air and I trimmed it off using real player plus trimmer tool. hope it derives correctly on the re-upload here

His favorite pasttime

His favourite pasttime is a 1914 in film American comedy film starring Charlie Chaplin. Charlie gets drunk in the bar. He steps outside, meets a pretty woman, tries to flirt with her, only to retreat after the woman's father returns. Returning to the bar, Charlie drinks some more and engages in rogue behaviors with others. He finally leaves the bar, sees the woman leaving, follows the woman home, and proceeds to make a nuisance of himself, eventually getting kicked out of the house.

His first flame

Fire chief Amos McCarthy, a confirmed misogynist, counsels his nephew Harry Howells to avoid matrimony at all costs. Still, the lovestruck Harry is determined to marry his sweetheart Ethel. All that changes, though, when it turns out Ethel is a faithless gold-digger. Disillusioned, Harry spends the night in his uncle's fire house to try and forget his troubles... until the clamor of a fire alarm presents the bumbling Harry with a chance to be a hero

His girl friday

Hilarious romantic comedy starring Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell. Russell is rough and tumble reporter looking to get out of the news racket by marrying and becoming a house wife after her divorce from newspaper publisher Grant. Just when she is about to leave town with her husband-to-be the still lovesick Grant drafts her to cover one final breaking news sensation. Along with plenty of laughs and fast paced dialog this film provides a witty and cynical look at news business. There is a slight audio sync problem in the first couple minutes of the film. It is present ... continua

His new job

Charlie Chaplin's 36th Film

His new profession

An oddly enjoyable comedy full of violence & nasty behavior

His prehistoric past

His prehistoric past is a 1914 American Short subject silent film comedy film, written and directed by Charlie Chaplin, featuring a Chaplin in a stone-age kingdom trying to usurp the crown of King Low-Brow to win the affections of the king's favorite wife. The film was Chaplin's last at Keystone Studios.