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Otra Vuelta de Tuerka - Pablo Iglesias con Pino Solanas

Fernando Ezequiel Solanas (Olivos, Argentina; 1936), más conocido como Pino Solanas, es, como señala Pablo Iglesias durante la entrevista "una de las referencias fundamentales de la cultura de resistencia" latinoamericana. Su trilogía documental sobre el neocolonialismo y la violencia en América Latina, La hora de los hornos (1968), se convirtió en un filme de culto que se visionaba de forma clandestina durante la dictadura de Onganía.

Otro golpe: postergan elecciones en Bolivia

EN FOCO.- La determinación del Tribunal Supremo Electoral de Bolivia de aplazar las elecciones para el 18 de octubre, en un intento por perpetuar al actual gobierno de facto, encendió señales de alarma y repulsa en el país. Los argumentos prorroguistas son amenaza de la ejecución de un segundo golpe de Estado conducido por militares cercanos a la embajada estadounidense y a los partidos neoliberales y conservadores, dicen analistas locales.

Visita: www.surysur.net

Otto secondi - Lisa Iotti

Oggi le distrazioni sono continue, ci illudiamo di essere più informati e in relazione. È vero? Possiamo tornare ad ascoltarci veramente? Lisa Iotti, giornalista, è nata a Reggio Emilia nel 1970, laureata in Lettere Moderne a Bologna, dopo aver oscillato per anni tra la Storia dell'Arte, la stampa locale (ha collaborato per il Resto del Carlino Reggio e Telereggio), è approdata alle docufiction, un genere televisivo che racconta la realtà attraverso gli strumenti narrativi della fiction (Reparto Maternità, Fox Life; Il Mestiere di vivere, Rai Tre) e al ... continua

Our gang war feathers

While on a cross-country train trip, the Our Gang kids drive the rest of the passengers crazy with a never-ending game of cowboys and Indians. During a stopover in the sleepy town of Red Dog, the kids disembark in hopes of savoring a taste of genuine Western life. They get more than they bargained for when a trio of bandits rides into town for a showdown with the local sheriff. Meanwhile, black youngster Allen "Farina" Hoskins tries to pass himself off as an Indian, but the members of a local tribe aren't amused

Oussama Kathib: Inteligencia artificial

En el marco del Congreso del Futuro, Oussama Kathib - Doctor en Informática - presentó su charla: "Inteligencia Artificial: ¿Superará la inteligencia artificial a la inteligencia biológica? ¿Hasta dónde?"

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Out West

Out West (1918) A Fatty Arbuckle comedy including performances by Buster Keaton and Al St John. It is a parody of Western pictures of the way. Out West is a 1918 short comedy film, a satire on contemporary westerns, starring Fatty Arbuckle, Buster Keaton, and Al St. John. It was the first of Arbuckle's "Comique" films to be filmed on the west coast, the previous five having been filmed in and around New York City. The idea for the story came from Natalie Talmadge, who was later to become Keaton's first wife.

Out to punch

Popeye the Sailor is a cartoon fictional character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre on January 17, 1929, and Popeye became the strip's title in later years. Popeye has also appeared in theatrical and television animated cartoons

Outside the law

Outside the law is a 1920 crime film directed by Tod Browning and starring Lon Chaney, Sr.. Browning would remake the film in Outside the Law (1930 film).
Outside the Law is considered to be one of the first psychologically driven films in the gangster genre. In contrast to many films of the period, it generally depicts its Chinese people) have forsaken a life of crime after receiving counsel from Chang Lo, a Confucianism philosopher living in Chinatown, San Francisco. A despicable gangster named Black Mike Sylva (Lon Chaney, Sr.) frames Molly's father for murder, ... continua

Outsider - Simone Ferriani

Professore di Imprenditorialità e Innovazione presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali dell'Universita' di Bologna, Honorary Visiting Professor presso la Cass Business School (City University London) e Visiting Fellow presso il Center on Organizational Innovation della Columbia University. Dopo l'ottenimento del PhD e' stato Marie Curie Fellow presso la Cass Business School (City University London) e Research Fellow presso il Centre for Technology Management dell'Universita' di Cambridge. E' inoltre lifetime member del Clare Hall College (Universita' di ... continua

PROTESTANGO al csoa Cartella - 2016

Il csoa Cartella apre la festa per il suo 14° compleanno con il "Protestango", monologhi in rap da Buenos Aires.