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Chernobyl Reclaimed: An Animal Takeover

What would happen if the world were suddenly without people - if humans vanished off the face of the earth? How would nature react - and how swiftly? On the edge of Europe, the deserted village of Chernobyl reveals the surprising answer after an unplanned experiment. Chernobyl was abandoned by people after the worst nuclear disaster in history (April 26, 1986). A level 7 meltdown resulted in a severe release of radioactivity following a massive explosion that destroyed the reactor. More than 20 years later, Chernobyl has been taken over by a remarkable collection of ... continua

Chernobyl: trovati funghi che "mangiano" radiazioni

Un fungo scoperto attorno a Chernobyl potrebbe essere la chiave per la colonizzazione di Marte e dei viaggi interplanetari #chernobyl #fungo #radiazioni

Visita: www.patreon.com

Chess nuts

Betty Boop is an animated cartoon character created by Max Fleischer, with help from animators including Grim Natwick. She originally appeared in the Talkartoon and Betty Boop film series, which were produced by Fleischer Studios and released by Paramount Pictures. She has also been featured in comic strips and mass merchandising.
A caricature of a Jazz Age flapper, Betty Boop was described in a 1934 court case as: "combin[ing] in appearance the childish with the sophisticated--a large round baby face with big eyes and a nose like a button, framed in a somewhat ... continua

Chi è il vero Re d'Italia?

FONTI E LINK INTERESSANTI Vittorio Emanuele e la questione in Francia (PANORAMA): https://bit.ly/3isyQPp Umberto da vecchio (Il piccolo Re): https://bit.ly/2FtRxEe Montanellone parla dei Savoia: (Storie d’Italia - Elkann): https://bit.ly/2FJftD0 L’Ultimo Re (Rai Storia): https://bit.ly/35Jcq8P La confessione di Vittorio Emanuele (IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO): https://bit.ly/3mqQF3G La Carrà e Vittorio: https://bit.ly/33unxQs

Chi è Salvatore Aranzulla?

Salvatore Aranzulla è il blogger e divulgatore informatico più letto in Italia. Noto per aver scoperto delle vulnerabilità nei siti di Google e Microsoft. Collabora con riviste di informatica e cura la rubrica tecnologica del quotidiano Il Messaggero. Ha pubblicato per Mondadori e Mondadori Informatica. È il fondatore di Aranzulla.it, uno dei trenta siti più visitati d'Italia, nel quale risponde con semplicità a migliaia di dubbi di tipo informatico.

Chi sono i negazionisti del Covid?


Chiara Santini: La reggia di Versailles tra storia, mito e leggenda

Chiara Santini - Docente di Storia dei giardini all'Ecole de Paysage a Versalles: "La reggia di Versailles tra storia, mito e leggenda" Modera: Federico Taddia CICAP-FEST 2017 Cesena 30/09/2017 Teatro Bonci

Visita: www.cicap.org

Chicano feat. Dj Snatch - Voglia di sushi - (prod. by VEA)

RAP BY CHICANO ( https://www.facebook.com/chicanoholys... ) ( https://soundcloud.com/holysmokerap ) INSTRUMENTAL/ MIX/ MASTER and concept BY VEA : ( https://soundcloud.com/v3a ) ( https://www.instagram.com/vea_prodz) (FB: Vea Maria Sibilla) SCRATCHES BY : DJ SNATCH https://www.instagram.com/djsnatchone/ VISUAL VIDEO BY : AKIRA SANTJAGO http://bzakirasantjago.blogspot.com

Chichigalpa, tierra de viudas

En Chichigalpa las personas se mueren de Insuficiencia Renal Crónica (IRC), causada por la exposición a pesticidas y la ingestión de aguas contaminadas. Esta enfermedad provoca la pérdida progresiva de las funciones renales. Debilidad, notable pérdida de peso, insomnio, vómitos, mareos, hinchazón, diarrea y ojos amarillos son la antesala del punto de no retorno. Los habitantes de este municipio acusan a la empresa Ingenio San Antonio de ser responsable de la contaminación del agua.

Child Bride

Child Bride, also known as Child Brides, Child Bride of the Ozarks, and Dust to Dust (USA reissue titles), is a 1938. The copyright date on the print of the film shown by Turner Classic Movies in January 12, 2014, is "MCMXLII" (1938) but lists it as 1941. American film directed by Harry Revier and produced by Raymond L. Friedgen. The film was promoted as educational and as an attempt to draw attention to the lack of laws banning child marriage in many states.