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Adam Sandel: ¿Vivimos un nuevo cambio evolutivo y cultural?

En el marco del Congreso del Futuro, Adam Sandel - Doctor en Filosofía y Profesor de la Universidad de Harvard - presentó su charla: "¿Vivimos un nuevo cambio evolutivo y cultural?"

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Addio alle armi

Durante la prima guerra mondiale, sul fronte italiano nasce la storia d'amore tra Henry, un tenente americano che partecipa alla guerra come volontario, e Catherine, l'infermiera che lo cura nell'ospedale militare dove lui è stato ricoverato in seguito a una ferita. La guerra imperversa e quando lei parte, lui, per raggiungerla, diserta e va in Svizzera. Catherine è gravemente ammalata e ha perso il bambino che aspettava da lui. Henry arriverà in tempo solo per vederla e stringerla un'ultima volta tra le braccia.Visita il sito: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Aelita: Queen of Mars

Aelita, also known as Aelita: Queen of Mars, is a silent film directed by Soviet Union filmmaker Yakov Protazanov made at the Gorky Film Studio and released in 1924 in film. It was based on Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy's Aelita (novel). Mikhail Zharov and Igor Ilyinsky were cast in leading roles.
Though the main focus of the story is the daily lives of a small group of people during the post-war Soviet Union, the enduring importance of the film comes from its early science fiction elements. It primarily tells of a young man, Los (, literally Elk), traveling to Mars ... continua

Aerial gunner

Aerial gunner is a 1943 American World War II film directed by William H. Pine and starring Chester Morris, Richard Arlen and Jimmy Lydon.

Affairs of Cappy Ricks

Cappy Ricks (Walter Brennan) has returned home from a long voyage at sea only to find that his family and business are not as he left them. His daughter Frankie (Mary Brian) is engaged to a dimwit that he isn't fond of. His future mother-in-law has plans for his business and for his prized ship. Cappy Ricks knows he has to end the chaos and set things straight. Now all he needs is a plan.

Afghanistan: collateral damage?

An extraordinary documentary by Fabrizio Lazzaretti and Alberto Vendemmiati which illustrates the activities of EMERGENCY in Afghanistan between September and December 2001, portraying dramatic episodes of daily life in the Panjsher Valley, the victims of the village bombings and of the landmines - the legacy of a long series of wars which have lasted almost 25 years - and the journey undertaken by the EMERGENCY team to Kabul for the reopening of the hospital.
The two filmmakers accompanied EMERGENCY's staff on their journey to Kabul, through the wards and operating ... continua

Africa ruge

1943. De Charles Barton, largometraje en inglés con subtítulos en castellano, en blanco y negro. Intérpretes Bud Abbott, Lou Costello y Shemp Howard. Una disparatada comedia que transcurre en tierras africanas, con sus correspondientes leones, caníbales y demás fieras. Un film con mucho humor, en la década de los cuarenta Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

Africa screams

Abbott & Costello search for diamonds in Africa, along the way meeting a visually-impaired gunner, a hungry lion, and a tribe of cannibals

Africa speaks

Africa speaks! is a 1930 American documentary film directed by Walter Futter and narrated by Lowell Thomas.

Africa strilla

1949 - Genere: Avventura
Bud Abbott
Lou Costello
Clyde Beatty
Frank Buck
Max Baer
Buddy Baer
Hillary Brooke
Shemp Howard
Joe Besser
Burt Wenland
Regia: Charles Barton
Sceneggiatura: Earl Baldwin, Martin RagawayQuando il libraio Buzz convince la signorina Diana a pensare che l'amicovenditore Stanley conosce molto bene l'Africa, a questi viene ordinato dicondurre Diana e i suoi assistenti all'interno di una tribù africana. Dopoincontri ravvicinati con leoni, scimmioni giganti e un fiume selvaggio pieno dialligatori, Buzz ... continua