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After Mein Kampf

1961 - Documentary
The movie opens with the claim that it is based on facts, which it is, but so overly-simplified and biased that it gets ridiculous after a few minutes. The movie is littered with images of Hitler's face turning into a skull, and Nazi-swastikas turning the wrong way.The way the movie is presented gives it an amateurish feel. Judging by the way the narrator is speaking, you are led to think that the script is without periods or commas.Just after a few minutes you are led to the idea that Germany is the great Satan. You are shown how the Germans in ... continua

After the ball went over

Popeye the Sailor is a cartoon fictional character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre on January 17, 1929, and Popeye became the strip's title in later years. Popeye has also appeared in theatrical and television animated cartoons

Agenda oculta (1990)

Aggrey Willis - W.S.F. Nairobi 2007

Intervista a Aggrey Willis - W.S.F. Nairobi 2007 Intervista realizzata presso il 7° Forum Sociale Mondiale svoltosia a Nairobi dal 20 al 25 gennaio 2007 a Nairobi (Kenya). Visita il sito: wsf2007.org

Air travel: new rights for people with reduced mobility

As the summer holidays approach a new European regulation will guarantee more rights for both the disabled and people with reduced mobility when they travel by air. Nearly one in five Europeans can require assistance for travelling or communicating.
From 26 July 2008, these people will have the right to assistance and certain services in all European Union airports, as well as on board aircraft operating throughout European territory.
Under the new regulation the following changes must be made:
- Refusing reservation or boarding on the grounds of a disability or a ... continua

Al otro lado: La vida en Palestina dividida por el muro israelí

Al otro lado: La vida en Palestina dividida por el muro israelí Documental que presenta la difícil situación de los palestinos que tienen que vivir con un muro en medio de sus poblaciones, el que construyó Israel en la vía que une Jerusalén y Jericó. El muro complica sus traslados y comunicaciones en la vida cotidiana, situación que se agrava con los controles israelíes que no se sabe dónde estarán y cuánto les demorarán. José Antonio Martín Pallín, Magistrado del Tribunal Supremo de España, integrante de una misión de observadores dice que el muro ... continua

Al rescate de la cocina palestina

Por la artista y cocinera Mirna Bamieh, quien recupera antiguas recetas palestinas, disgregadas en los diversos territorios y en la diáspora en el exilio, con la Palestine Hosting Society es, un proyecto artístico viviente. Publicado por: AJ+ Español

Aladdin and his wonderful lamp

Popeye the Sailor is a cartoon fictional character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre on January 17, 1929, and Popeye became the strip's title in later years. Popeye has also appeared in theatrical and television animated cartoons

Aladdin's lamp

Popeye the Sailor is a cartoon fictional character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre on January 17, 1929, and Popeye became the strip's title in later years. Popeye has also appeared in theatrical and television animated cartoons

Alborosie & Friends

Alborosie es un artista que no necesita presentaciones. Discos como sus 'Soul Pirate' y 'Escape from Babylon' están entre los mejores trabajos en absoluto salidos en los últimos años en la escena reggae. Después de la publicación de su último CD '2 times revolution', su gran talento fue premiado en octubre en Glasgow con el Mobo Award como mejor artista reggae.Albo está fuertemente ligado al Rototom Sunsplash y ya ha actuado varias veces en el festival, pero este año estamos organizando junto con él algo especial, un evento live pensado y construido ... continua

Visita: www.rototomsunsplash.com

Visita: www.rototom.tv