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Amber Case: Todos somos cyborg

Amber Case: Licenciada en Sociología y Antropología en el Lewis and Clark College, Estados Unidos. En 2010, junto a Aaron Parecki, fundó Geoloqi, una compañía de software de localización. La compañía fue adquirida por Esriin en 2012. Trabaja como investigadora en el Instituto del Futuro en Palo Alto California. Sus Investigaciones se centran en el mundo cyborgs, donde un cyborg es simplemente un humano que interactúa con la tecnología. Ella asegura que la tecnología no necesariamente tiene que implantarse, puede ser una extensión física o mental, ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Ambush valley

Ambush valley is a 1936 American Western (genre) directed by Bernard B. Ray, produced by Ray and Harry S. Webb for Reliable Pictures, starring Bob Custer and Victoria Vinton.

American Aristocracy

American Aristocracy is a 1916 American silent film Adventure film/comedy-drama film directed by Lloyd Ingraham and starring Douglas Fairbanks. A 35mm print of the film is preserved at the George Eastman House and is currently in the public domain.

American Empire

1942 - Genre: Western Two men join forces to build a cattle empire, and battle rustlers, bad weather and each otherDirected by: William C. McGann Writing credits: J. Robert Bren, Gladys Atwater Complete credited cast: Richard DixLeo CarrilloPreston FosterFrances GiffordRobert BarratJack La RueGuinn 'Big Boy' WilliamsCliff EdwardsMerrill RodinChris-Pin Martin Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles:

Amero amaro?

Hal Turner, un noto condutture radiofonico americano di estrema destra, ha chiuso i battenti.Turner sostiene di essere stato obbligato a farlo dai cosiddetti “poteri forti”, perchè nel luglio scorso aveva rivelato che il governo americano si stava preparando a demonetizzare il dollaro, per sostituirlo con una nuova valuta, chiamata Amero. L’Amero dovrebbe andare a sostituire anche il dollaro canadese e il peso messicano, nel progetto di fusione dei tre stati che porterebbe alla creazione della cosiddetta “NAU”, o Unione Nordamericana.Turner prevede scontri ... continua

Visita: contro.tv

Amishi Jha: Come domare la tua mente errante

Amishi Jha studia come prestiamo attenzione: il processo mediante il quale il nostro cervello decide cosa è importante dal flusso costante di informazioni che riceve. Sia le distrazioni esterne (come lo stress) che quelle interne (come il vagabondaggio mentale) diminuiscono il potere della nostra attenzione, dice Jha, ma alcune semplici tecniche possono aumentarlo. "Presta attenzione alla tua attenzione", dice Jha.

Amy Orr-Ewing: ¿Alguna vez tendremos suficiente?

“Vivimos en un mundo en el que la posibilidad de ver la vida humana como algo sagrado —esa idea inspirada en la Biblia de que nuestras vidas tienen un valor intrínseco y no debería reducirse a lo que consumimos— nunca ha estado tan amenazada”. Amy Orr-Ewing, vicepresidenta senior de RZIM, nos plantea una forma única de ver el mundo, una forma que no nos denigra pero es realista en cuanto a nuestro egoísmo, y que nos ofrece nada menos que la transformación del corazón humano.

Visita: fundacionrz.es

An educational look at the creation of the Internet. Vinton Cerf

Vinton Cerf is recognised as one of the most influential scientists of the twentieth century. On par with Gutenberg revolutionising the world with the invention of the printing press in the 15th century, Cerf put in motion the IT protocols that made possible the digital world we know today. Vinton Cerf is one the so-called “fathers of the Internet” together with co-developer Robert Khan. This technician’s passion for knowledge knows no bounds. At 77 years old, he is vice president and Chief Internet Evangelist at Google. At Aprendemos Juntos, he reflects on the ... continua

Visita: aprendemosjuntos.bbva.com

Anatomy of a Psycho

Driven to the edge of insanity by the execution of his older brother, Chet (Darrell Howe) is boiling over with hatred. After getting his face slashed in a senseless alley-way brawl, his paranoia begins to paint everyone around him as an enemy.
He turns to his sweet younger sister, his slutty girlfriend, and even his old poker buddies for solace, but all of them have real or imagined links back to the ill-fated trial that condemned his brother, thus aggravating Chet's psychosis.
After viciously assaulting the prosecuting attorney's son, the troubled youth draws the ... continua

Anatomy of an Illness

1984 (tv) - Genre: DramaDirected by: Richard T. Heffron Writing credits: Norman Cousins, Lawrence Roman Cast: Edward AsnerEli WallachMillie PerkinsDavid Ogden StiersLelia GoldoniHaunani MinnJulia MontgomeryClaudia Wells Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com