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CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE - Reopening the inquest on September 11

A special inquest has been proposed and financed by Jimmy Walter, an extraordinary individual who has given of his time, findings and HIS MONEY to work for a positive and important cause: to reopen the whole question of what is known, or believed to be known, about the tragic events of September 11, 2001. This bold document, finally subtitled in Italian, throws new light on the dramatic events that followed that drama-laden day and asks new (but obvious) questions to which official sources and the media have never given too much attention.
Studio guests, ... continua

CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE - Reopening the inquest on September 11

A special inquest has been proposed and financed by Jimmy Walter, an extraordinary individual who has given of his time, findings and HIS MONEY to work for a positive and important cause: to reopen the whole question of what is known, or believed to be known, about the tragic events of September 11, 2001. This bold document, finally subtitled in Italian, throws new light on the dramatic events that followed that drama-laden day and asks new (but obvious) questions to which official sources and the media have never given too much attention.
Studio guests, ... continua

CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE - Reopening the inquest on September 11

A special inquest has been proposed and financed by Jimmy Walter, an extraordinary individual who has given of his time, findings and HIS MONEY to work for a positive and important cause: to reopen the whole question of what is known, or believed to be known, about the tragic events of September 11, 2001. This bold document, finally subtitled in Italian, throws new light on the dramatic events that followed that drama-laden day and asks new (but obvious) questions to which official sources and the media have never given too much attention.
Studio guests, ... continua

CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE - Reopening the inquest on September 11

A special inquest has been proposed and financed by Jimmy Walter, an extraordinary individual who has given of his time, findings and HIS MONEY to work for a positive and important cause: to reopen the whole question of what is known, or believed to be known, about the tragic events of September 11, 2001. This bold document, finally subtitled in Italian, throws new light on the dramatic events that followed that drama-laden day and asks new (but obvious) questions to which official sources and the media have never given too much attention.
Studio guests, ... continua

CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE - Reopening the inquest on September 11

A special inquest has been proposed and financed by Jimmy Walter, an extraordinary individual who has given of his time, findings and HIS MONEY to work for a positive and important cause: to reopen the whole question of what is known, or believed to be known, about the tragic events of September 11, 2001. This bold document, finally subtitled in Italian, throws new light on the dramatic events that followed that drama-laden day and asks new (but obvious) questions to which official sources and the media have never given too much attention.
Studio guests, ... continua

CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE - Riaprire le indagini sull'11 settembre.

Un'eccezionale inchiesta proposta e finanziata da Jimmy Walter, uno straordinario individuo che ha dato il suo tempo, le sue ricerche e i SUOI SOLDI per lavorare in una positiva e significativa causa: rimettere in discussione tutto quello che si sapeva, o si pensava di sapere, sui tragici eventi dell'11 settembre 2001. Questo coraggioso documentario, finalmente sottotitolato in italiano, getta una nuova luce sui drammatici eventi che sono seguiti a quel drammatico giorno e pone nuove ma evidenti domande a cui le fonti ufficiali e i media non hanno mai prestato ... continua

CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE - Riaprire le indagini sull'11 settembre.

Un'eccezionale inchiesta proposta e finanziata da Jimmy Walter, uno straorninario individuo che ha dato il suo tempo, le sue ricerche e i SUOI SOLDI per lavorare in una positiva e significativa causa: rimettere in discussione tutto quello che si sapeva, o si pensava di sapere, sui tragici eventi dell'11 settembre 2001. Questo coraggioso documentario, finalmente sottotitolato in italiano, getta una nuova luce sui drammatici eventi che sono seguiti a quel drammatico giorno e pone nuove ma evidenti domande a cui le fonti ufficiali e i media non hanno mai prestato ... continua

CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE - Wiederaufnahme der Ermittlungen zum 11. September.

Eine außergewöhnliche Untersuchung wird von Jimmy Walter vorgeschlagen und finanziert, einer außerordentlichen Persönlichkeit, die ihre Zeit, ihre Nachforschungen und IHR GELD in eine positive und wichtige Sache investiert hat: alles in Frage zu stellen, was man über die tragischen Ereignisse des 11. September 2001 wusste oder zu wissen glaubte. Dieser mutige Dokumentarfilm, der endlich mit italienischen Untertiteln versehen ist, wirft ein neues Licht auf die dramatischen Ereignisse, die jenem dramatischen Tag folgten und stellt neue, aber logische Fragen, die ... continua

COWSPIRACY: ciò che il sistema non vuole che tu sappia sull'impatto ambientale della CARNE

Il film segue il percorso di maturazione del coregista Kip Andersen, ambientalista fortemente impegnato nel tentativo di ridurre l'impatto dell'uomo sul pianeta. Dopo diversi anni in cui dedica molta attenzione, in maniera quasi ossessiva, a comportamenti ecologisti, come lo spostarsi in maniera ecosostenibile, l'utilizzare l'acqua con parsimonia e così via, Andersen si imbatte in una ricerca che indica come l'impatto dell'industria animale, sia quella intensiva che quella biologica, sulla Terra sia enorme, in termini di deforestazione, consumo di acqua e spreco di ... continua
  • Visualizzazioni: 3049
  • Lingua: INGLESE | Sottotitoli: ITALIANO | Licenza: Non commerciale - Non opere derivate - Licenza 3.0
  • Fonte: Collana eXoterica FRUIT | Durata: 90.85 min | Pubblicato il: 2020-02-17
  • Totale: 1014 filmati
  • Categoria: Documentari
  • Scarica: MP3 | MP4 |
  • 2.0/5 (13 voti)
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Caidos del Cielo

El 12 de febrero del 2003 un avión cayó en la selva colombiana, en el viajaban 4 norteamericanos y un colombiano. Dos de ellos fueron acribillados y los tres restantes fueron tomados como rehenes por los ejercitos de la guerrilla colombiana. Caidos del Cielo es un documental realizado por Jorge Enrique Botero, Karyn Hayes y Victoria Bruce. Cortesía de TeleSur. Visita el sitio: www.telesurtv.net