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Candle light vigil in solidarity with the victims of climate change

The International Peasant's Movement La Via Campesina invites the media to a candle light vigil and symbolic action. Farmers from around the world are affected by climate change – droughts and floods are destroying their land and crops . But these farmers are also extremely seriously affected by the false solutions currently negotiated at the UNFCCC: carbon trading, land evictions in the name of REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation), agrofuels, climate-ready genetically modified seeds...

Visita: www.wsftv.net

Capitano Scarlett

Film ambientato in Francia negli anni che seguono la caduta di Napoleone, il Capitano Scarlett sembra essere molto ispirato dalle leggende di Robin Hoode Zorro. Il Capitano Scarlett (Greene) ritorna in Francia per scoprire chele sue terre sono state espropriate da un nobile senza scrupoli. Dopo aver salvato la Principessa Maria (Amar) ed essersi unito ad un uomo dinome Pierre (Young), che ha perso la propria terra come il protagonista, il gruppo va avanti affrontando una serie di avventure combattendo per la giustizia.Cast completo: Richard Greene – Leonora Amar – ... continua

Captain Kidd

1945 - Action
Directed by: Rowland V. Lee
Writing credits: Robert N. Lee, Norman Reilly Raine
In this unhistorical account, Capt. William Kidd is already a clever, ruthless pirate when, in 1699, he tricks the king into commissioning him as escort for a treasure ship from India. He enlists a crew of pardoned cutthroats...and Orange Povey, whom Kidd once abandoned on a reef and hoped never to see again. Of course, Kidd's intentions are treacherous. But there's more to gunner Adam Mercy than meets the eye.
Complete credited cast:
Charles Laughton Randolph ... continua

Captain Scarface

1953 - Action Directed by: Paul Guilfoyle Writing credits: Charles Lang Foreign Agents Plot Destruction Of Panama Canal! Complete credited cast: Barton MacLane Leif EricksonVirginia GreyRudolph AndersPeter CoeDon DillawayHoward WendellIsabel RandolphPaul BrinegarMartin GarralagaJohn Mylong Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Captain Scarlett

1953 - Action
Directed by: Thomas Carr
Writing credits: Howard Dimsdale
Set in France in the years following the fall of Napoleon, Captain Scarlett seems to have been very much inspired by the legends of Robin Hood and Zorro. Captain Scarlett (Greene) returns to France to discover that his lands have been seized by an unscrupulous nobleman. After saving Princess Maria (Amar) and being joined by a man named Pierre (Young) who has also lost his lands, the group proceeds on a series of adventures in the fight for justice.
Complete credited cast:
Richard Greene ... continua

Cara a Cara con CG Jung

El video completo de la entrevista que realizara Jhon Freeman a C.G. Jung en 1959. El fundador de la psicología analítica habla de su niñez, sus ideas sobre la muerte y Dios, sobre la existencia después de la muerte y algunos aspectos de su teoría. Una entrevista muy bien lograda, bien a pesar del entrevistador mismo. 'Face to Face' interviews Carl Gustav Jung October 22, BBC 1959 www,jungcolombia.com Publicado por: Casa Jung Medellín

Carl Benedikt Frey: Trabajo a la deriva

• Grado académico – Profesión: Graduado en economía, historia y administración de la Universidad de Lund. Doctor del Instituto Max Planck para la innovación y competencia. • Lugar actual de trabajo: Fellow del Oxford Martin School de la Universidad de Oxford, dirigiendo el programa “Future of Work” • Líneas de investigación: Transformación y futuro del trabajo. Digitalización.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Carnival of Souls

1962 - Horror / Thriller
Directed by: Herk Harvey
Writing credits: John Clifford
Set in France in the years following the fall of Napoleon, Captain Scarlett seems to have been very much inspired by the legends of Robin Hood and Zorro. Captain Scarlett (Greene) returns to France to discover that his lands have been seized by an unscrupulous nobleman. After saving Princess Maria (Amar) and being joined by a man named Pierre (Young) who has also lost his lands, the group proceeds on a series of adventures in the fight for justice.
Complete credited cast:
Candace ... continua

Carole Cadwalladr: Il ruolo di Facebook nella brexit e la minaccia alla democrazia

In un discorso imperdibile, la giornalista Carole Cadwalladr scava in uno degli eventi più sconcertanti degli ultimi tempi: il voto a strettissimo margine del Regno Unito nel 2016 per lasciare l'Unione Europea. Seguendo il risultato di una raffica di annunci Facebook fuorvianti mirati a elettori vulnerabili della Brexit swing -e collegando gli stessi giocatori e tattiche alle elezioni presidenziali statunitensi del 2016- Cadwalladr chiama gli "dei della Silicon Valley" per essere dalla parte sbagliata storia e chiede: elezioni libere ed eque sono un ricordo del ... continua

Carole Hooven -| Biología, sexo, testosterona y política (Español) #ArpaTalks18

Entrevista con Carole Hooven, profesora y codirectora de la licenciatura de Biología Evolutiva humana de la Universidad de Harvard.