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Here comes trouble

A newspaper publisher (Emory Parnell) is being blackmailed by a burlesque queen (Joan Woodbury), and he sends one of his reporters (William Tracy) to talk to her

Are crooks dishonest?

Con artists Harold and Snub attempt to outwit phony psychic Miss Goulash and her "professor" father. Stars: Harold Lloyd, Harry Pollard, and Bebe Daniels

His favorite pasttime

His favourite pasttime is a 1914 in film American comedy film starring Charlie Chaplin. Charlie gets drunk in the bar. He steps outside, meets a pretty woman, tries to flirt with her, only to retreat after the woman's father returns. Returning to the bar, Charlie drinks some more and engages in rogue behaviors with others. He finally leaves the bar, sees the woman leaving, follows the woman home, and proceeds to make a nuisance of himself, eventually getting kicked out of the house.

Musical tramps

Charlie Chaplins 31st Film Released Nov. 07 1914 As His Musical Career

Curse of the Aztec mummy

The evil Dr. Krupp, once again trying to get possession of the Aztec princess Xochitl's jewels, hypnotizes her current reincarnation, Flor, to get her to reveal the jewels' location - Xochitl's tomb. Confusion reigns as Krupp and his thugs are opposed by Flor's lover, Dr. Almada, his assistant, and wrestling superhero, El Angel. Krupp finally meets his match, however, when he comes up against Popoca, the warrior mummy who guards Xochitl's tomb

Anatomy of a Psycho

Driven to the edge of insanity by the execution of his older brother, Chet (Darrell Howe) is boiling over with hatred. After getting his face slashed in a senseless alley-way brawl, his paranoia begins to paint everyone around him as an enemy.
He turns to his sweet younger sister, his slutty girlfriend, and even his old poker buddies for solace, but all of them have real or imagined links back to the ill-fated trial that condemned his brother, thus aggravating Chet's psychosis.
After viciously assaulting the prosecuting attorney's son, the troubled youth draws the ... continua

Chris Rapley: La sociedad y los cambios climáticos

En el marco del Congreso del Futuro, Chris Rapley –Doctor en astronomía- realizó su charla magistral: “¿La sociedad se adaptará a los cambios climáticos?

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Daily Show for August 31 2023 Democracy Now

Vicky Arroyo: Cambio climático

En el marco del Congreso del Futuro, Vicky Arroyo –Directora Ejecutiva del Centro Climático de Georgetown en Estados Unidos– realizó su charla magistral sobre: “Cambio climático”.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Her favorite patient

A beautiful female doctor (Ruth Hussey) visits her small hometown on her way back to Chicago. Her overworked uncle (Charles Ruggles), who is the town's doctor, wants her to stay and help him, and he and a macho test pilot (John Carroll) who's fallen for her come up with a plan that involves the pilot faking an illness and being treated by her, with her uncle's "help"