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Grave of the Vampire

Kroft, a legendary vampire, returns from sleep. Kroft attacks a couple in a graveyard, raping the woman. The child born feeds only on blood from his mother's breast


A series of mishaps manages to make a young man get chased by a big city's entire police force

Father's little dividend

Starring Spencer Tracy, Elizibeth Taylor, Billie Burke, this entertaining movie tells the tale of a grumpy, soon-to-be grandfather who does not look forward to the idea. Spencer Tracy is great in this film

Karen J. Meech: La storia di 'Oumuamua, il primo visitatore da un altro sistema stellare

Nell'ottobre 2017, l'astrobiologo Karen J. Meech ha ricevuto la chiamata che ogni astronomo aspetta: la NASA aveva individuato il primo vero visitatore di un altro sistema stellare. La cometa interstellare -un oggetto lungo mezzo miglio alla fine chiamato `Oumuamua, dall'hawaiano per "esploratore" o "messaggero"- ha sollevato domande interessanti: era un pezzo di detriti rocciosi da un nuovo sistema stellare, materiale triturato da un'esplosione di supernova, prove di tecnologia aliena o qualcos'altro? In questo avvincente discorso, Meech racconta la storia di come la ... continua

Daily show for march 04, 2022 Democracy Now

Daily Show for June 22 2023 Democracy Now

How should we read the Gospels? by Karen Armstrong

Curso de Verano 2019 Conferencia "¿Cómo debemos leer los Evangelios?", impartida por Karen Armstrong (escritora), el 18 de febrero de 2020. Forma parte del ciclo de conferencias Francisco Calvo Serraller "Porque me has visto, has creído. El Nuevo Testamento en el arte", organizado por la Fundación de Amigos del Museo del Prado.

Visita: www.museodelprado.es

Galileo Project: in search of interstellar technology

The search for extraterrestrial life is one of the most exciting challenges in science. Between very rare meteors harder than iron, the passage of the interstellar object ʻOumuamua through the solar system and unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) near the Earth, the Galileo Project searches for clues to extraterrestrial technological finds and inaugurates the frontier discipline of interstellar archaeology. . Speaker: Abraham (Avi) Loeb, Harvard University Moderator: Gabriele Beccaria, La Stampa In collaboration with: Festival di Salute 2023

Visita: www.bergamoscienza.it

Lieutenant Kizhe

This is a delightful comedy about a fictional Lt. Kizhe who came about because of a scribe's copying mistake. The officials were afraid to embarrass the Czar, so they created a fictional Kizhe who served as a convenient scapegoat. After being whipped, exiled, returned, married, and promoted Kizhe finally had to die when the Czar wanted to meet him


Frankenstein is a 1910 film made by Edison Manufacturing Company. It was written and directed by J. Searle Dawley.