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Doll face

Doll face is a 1945 American film directed by Lewis Seiler starring Vivian Blaine as "Doll Face" Carroll. The film is also known as Come Back to Me in the United Kingdom.

Laffing gas

Charlie Chaplin's 20th Film

Two plus fours

A Campus Comedies short film by Pathé with Bing Crosby, Harry Barris, Al Rinker (The Rhythm Boys), Nat Carr, Thelma Hill, Ed Dearing, Spec O'Donnell

Bowery at midnight

Kindly soup kitchen operator and professor of criminology Karl Wagner uses his soup kitchen as a front for a criminal gang who commit a series of daring robberies and murders. When things get out of hand, Wagner kills his henchmen, who wind up as zombies in the cellar of the soup kitchen

Storm world

A mashup of "Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet," "Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women," and "Battle Beyond the Sun," with some primitive special effects thrown in. Apologies for the quality of the dubbing, neither I nor my equipment are ready for the studio :)

At war with the army

Jerry is a hapless private and Dean is the bossy First Sergeant of a slipshod platoon at a stateside training base. Jerry and Dean were friends who grew up in the same neighborhood before Uncle Sam made GIs out of them. All of the stereotypical military comedy characters are present, including the loudmouth drill instructor, the conniving supply sergeant, the doting corporal and the bumbling, hen-pecked company commander

Jeff Risom: Ciudades Inteligentes, ¿Son sólo tecnologías?

En el marco del Congreso del Futuro, Jeff Risom -Máster en Diseño de Ciudades y Ciencias Sociales- presentó su charla: "Ciudades Inteligentes, ¿Son sólo tecnologías?"

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Stefano Mancuso: Una nueva visión de las plantas

Stefano Mancuso: Doctorado en Neurobiología. Dirige el Laboratorio Internacional de Neurobiología Vegetal y es miembro fundador de la International Society for Plant Signaling & Behavior. Su línea de investigación se centra en el estudio de la neurobiología vegetal, que explora la señalización y la comunicación en todos los niveles de la organización biológica, desde la genética hasta las moléculas, las células y las comunidades ecológicas. Es profesor asociado en la Universidad de Florencia, editor en jefe de la revista Internacional Plant Signaling ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Interviste impossibili - Paul Auster con Peter Florence

Il mondo è nella mia testa, il mio corpo è nel mondo

Daily show for february 17, 2022 Democracy Now