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Daily show for october 18 2023 Democracy Now

Daily show for november 29 2023 Democracy Now!

Daily show for january 31, 2024 Democracy Now!

The cat and the canary

Rich old Cyrus West's relatives are waiting for him to die so they can inherit. But he stipulates that his will be read 20 years after his death. On the appointed day his expectant heirs arrive at his brooding mansion. The will is read and it turns out that Annabelle West, the only heir who shares his name, inherits, if she is deemed sane. If she isn't, the money and some diamonds go to someone else, whose name is in a sealed envelope. Before he can reveal the identity of Annabelle's successor, Mr. Crosby, the lawyer, disappears. This is the first in a series of ... continua

Daily Show for May 02 2022 Democracy Now

The dead creeper

New film about a man out for revenge

Daily show for october 27 2023 Democracy Now!

The beach girls and the monster

A young girl is killed at the beach in Malibu. Professor Otto Lindsay (Jon Hall) suspects that it is some form of mutated fish. However, his son Richard (Arnold Lessing), who was a good friend of the girl, thinks that it is a madman who has a grudge against Richard and his friends. Soon the list of victims grows to include one of Rich's surfing buddies, Rich's bitchy stepmother Vicky (Sue Casey) and his friend Mark (Walker Edmiston) who was crippled in an auto accident

The last three

Germany's Adolf Hitler, with his Axis-stooges, Italy's Mussolini and Japan's Suki Yama, although he tried to avoid taking them, is on his way, via submarine, to a tropical country to negotiate a treaty with the High Chief Paj Mab. However, an American P.T-boat crew is already there and have some plans for schickenbit-grubber and his buddies

Windbag the sailor

Captain Ben Cutlet (Will Hay) likes to spin yarns about all of his {fake} seafaring adventures, one day his false past comes to bite him as he is bluffed into captaining the Rob Roy at sea, the Rob Roy being barely sea worthy and doomed to be wrecked by a crafty shipping agent