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The Eagle

1938 - Musical
Vladimir Dubrouvsky, a lieutenant in the Russian army, catches the eye of Czarina Catherine II. He spurns her advances and flees, and she puts out a warrant for his arrest, dead or alive. Vladimir learns that his father's lands have been taken by the evil Kyrilla Troekouroff, and his father dies. He dons a black mask, and becomes the outlaw The Black Eagle. He enters the Troekouroff household disguised as a French instructor for Kyrilla's daughter Mascha. He is after vengeance, but instead falls in love with Mascha.
Directed by:Clarence ... continua

The Electric House

The Electric House starts with Buster's graduation ceremony as the first of his comic misfortunes, including a mix-up of diplomas so Buster receives a diploma in electrical engineering. This leads to a job opportunity: electrifying the family house of the girl he's sweet on. A great chance, so Buster studies hard and soon installs a useful and impressive set of electric appliances.

The End

Facendo jogging all'alba sulla spiaggia..

The end of Jim Morrison

1971. When Jim Morrison was at the height of his career, The Doors seemed unstoppable. Six years of intensive career, 6 albums, 200 concerts. Jim Morrison had become a music legend...until a tragic end. Full documentary on the life of this rock icon, from the beginning... until the end.

The Entity - La sconvolgente storia di Doris Bither

La vicenda capitata alla signora Doris Bither è quella di una persona che ha patito sulla propria pelle la violenza da parte di un'entità maligna. La particolarità di questo caso è che più di 30 persone possono garantire con assoluta certezza di aver assistito a uno degli eventi legati al paranormale più incredibili mai capitati e documentati della storia...

The essential John Nash

John F. Nash Jr è stato uno scienziato eccezionale, che ha avuto una vita eccezionale. Tutto in lui ha l’impronta della originalità, dalla sua precocissima ascesa nel mondo della scienza, alla repentina caduta nel baratro della malattia. Abbiamo parlato del genio dei numeri con Roberto Lucchetti, professore ordinario di analisi matematica al Politecnico di Milano.

The EU and Afghanistan: Supporting renewal through security and development

The past six years in Afghanistan have been marked by a struggle to maintain the peace and build the institutions of economic and social revival. This is no easy task in a country driven by two and half decades of conflict. The EU has developed a comprehensive range of measures and missions, with an emphasis on areas of greatest concern, like the burgeoning drugs production and its impact on the security situation, as well as on progress in rural and economic development and supporting the rights of women. What progress lies beneath the ... continua

The EU revives innovation by businesses

The video report entitled "The EU revives innovation by businesses" demonstrates the importance of stepping up investment in innovation in Europe. The film illustrates:
New technologies in the world of toys: a toy car with a hydrogen fuel cell that runs an electric motor, in response to directives on limiting the use of metals and dangerous substances. AIJU, the Toy Technology Centre in Ibi (Valencia region), which tests the quality and educational potential of toys on the market. Shots of the Valencia conference.
Interviews:Joaquín VILAPLANA, Director of AIJU ... continua

The Europa Diary: how to be a consumer and a citizen

The content is chosen by the European Commission according to topics of interest to young people aged 15 to 18, and is then drafted by a team of professional writers. Since 2004, the Europa Diary has dealt with issues such as consumer credit, counterfeiting, e-commerce, climate change, fair trade, the dangers of tobacco and alcohol use, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.The Diary may also be partially adapted to each country. National partners of Generation Europe may, on the one hand, choose or refuse certain articles according to ... continua

The evil mind

Claude Rains stars as Maximus, a phony mind-reader, who finds his predictions coming true