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Intervento Tana de Zulueta

Tana de Zulueta, senatrice (DS-U).Durante l'incontro "A che punto è la notte" Le inchieste di Genova e l'emergenza diritti civili in Italia.

Radar Men From the Moon 4

1952 - Action / Sci-Fi
Strategic targets on Earth are being destroyed by an unknown weapon. Government security head Henderson suspects it's an -atomic ray- originating from the moon! He assigns Commando Cody, scientist and man of action with a secret flying suit, to investigate. Soon, Cody is battling Earth thugs in the pay of Krog the moon man and making trips in his experimental rocket to the moon itself, in a perilous and all but singlehanded effort to thwart the planned invasion of Earth.
Directed by:Fred C. Brannon
Writing credits:Ronald Davidson
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Cuatro historias de vida de Gente de la Tierra

Video documental. Cuatro testimonios de 2 adultos y 2 jóvenes, alegoría del origen de la vida, según la cosmovisión Mapuche, que muestran parte de la existencia en las comunidades rurales Mapuche, Pikunmapu, Puelmapu, Lafkenmapu y Huillimapu conforman el territorio Mapuche, son 4 a igual que sus testimonios, entregados por personas participiantes de la Pastoral Mapuche de la Parroquia San Pablo de Carahue.

Realizador: Departamento del Acción Social. Obispado de Temuco
Dirección: Juan Carlos Jara B.
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Intervento di Lisa clark

Lisa Clark è dell' Associazione Beati costruttori di pace.Durante l'incontro "A che punto è la notte" Le inchieste di Genova e l'emergenza diritti civili in Italia.

Radar Men From the Moon 3

1952 - Action / Sci-Fi
Strategic targets on Earth are being destroyed by an unknown weapon. Government security head Henderson suspects it's an -atomic ray- originating from the moon! He assigns Commando Cody, scientist and man of action with a secret flying suit, to investigate. Soon, Cody is battling Earth thugs in the pay of Krog the moon man and making trips in his experimental rocket to the moon itself, in a perilous and all but singlehanded effort to thwart the planned invasion of Earth.
Directed by:Fred C. Brannon
Writing credits:Ronald Davidson
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Intervento di Graziela Mascia

Graziela Mascia (onorevole)Durante l'incontro "A che punto è la notte" Le inchieste di Genova e l'emergenza diritti civili in Italia.

Radar Men From the Moon 2

1952 - Action / Sci-Fi
Strategic targets on Earth are being destroyed by an unknown weapon. Government security head Henderson suspects it's an -atomic ray- originating from the moon! He assigns Commando Cody, scientist and man of action with a secret flying suit, to investigate. Soon, Cody is battling Earth thugs in the pay of Krog the moon man and making trips in his experimental rocket to the moon itself, in a perilous and all but singlehanded effort to thwart the planned invasion of Earth.
Directed by:Fred C. Brannon
Writing credits:Ronald Davidson
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El viaje

¿Cómo hemos llegado hasta aquí? Un apasionante recorrido por el proceso de creación de la vida sobre la Tierra con los datos que hoy dispone la ciencia. Cortesía de Foundation for Global Community

Intervento di Giuliano Giuliani

Giuliano Giuliani, padre di Carlo.Durante l'incontro "A che punto è la notte" Le inchieste di Genova e l'emergenza diritti civili in Italia.

Radar Men from the Moon

1952 - Action / Sci-Fi
Strategic targets on Earth are being destroyed by an unknown weapon. Government security head Henderson suspects it's an -atomic ray- originating from the moon! He assigns Commando Cody, scientist and man of action with a secret flying suit, to investigate. Soon, Cody is battling Earth thugs in the pay of Krog the moon man and making trips in his experimental rocket to the moon itself, in a perilous and all but singlehanded effort to thwart the planned invasion of Earth.
Directed by:Fred C. Brannon
Writing credits:Ronald Davidson
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