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Goofy Goat Antics

1966 - Animation A goat is driving his car but he is blocked off by a road hog. When he finally passes the road hog up the road hog quotes "D***!" The goat runs into some pretty weird antics. But he comes out in the end. Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Intervista al Sen. Graziella Pagano

Sen. Graziella Pagano - Vicepresidente del Gruppo DS al Senato

Foro Social Mundial - Frei Sergio de los Sem Terra: aqui están nuestras conquistas

El fraile que apoya la teología de la liberación ilustra los resultados obtenidos por lo campesinos brasileños que luchan contra el "latifundio". Visita el sitio: www.forumsocialmundial.org.br

Girls Beware

1961 - Drama This film warns girls of the dangers they face from the opposite sex: rape, pregnancy, social diseases and murder. Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles: PARALLEL TEXTS EN-IT

Intervista al Prof. Giuseppe Chirante

Prof. Giuseppe Chirante - Presidente Associazione Bianchi Bandinelli (già vicepresidente del Consiglio Nazionale dei Beni Culturali, dimessosi in contrasto con il ministro Urbani)

Foro Social Mundial - Esquivel: basta con el totalitarismo USA

La receta del premio Nobel: Para frenar el expansionismo estadounidense no queda más que la movilización popular de masa. Visita el sitio: www.forumsocialmundial.org.br

Fatty Arbunkle Festival

Comedy Fatty Joins the Force - Fatty's Spooning Day - Fatty's Suitless Day - The Speed Kings Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Intervista al Sen. Chiara Acciarini

Sen. Chiara Acciarini - DS Commissione cultura del Senato

Foro Social Mundial: entrevista a Adolfo Pérez Esquivel

La Onu en Jerusalén. Sacar de Nueva York la sede de la Onu es una idea que entusiasma al argentino Pérez Esquivel, premio Nobel de la Paz. El tema se ha transformado en uno de los tópicos principales del manifiesto del "portoalegrismo". Visita el sitio: www.forumsocialmundial.org.br

Image of Bruce Lee

1978 - Aciton / Martial Arts

A band of counterfeiters wants to make Hong Kong their new territory. The disgraced leader of the Special Squad will have to team-up with a group of Hong Kong police officers in an attempt to stop the dirty business of crime lord Han Tin Lung, but Han's problem not only is the interference of the Police force, his Japanese ally Kimura is not happy with his 'cut' in the counterfeit deal and will try to put Donna (a relative of Han) on his side a make Han's business his own property. Both policemen and criminals are highly trained ... continua