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Intervista a Binka Le Breton

Intervista a Binka Le Breton - Scrittrice di "Vite Rubate"

23) - Las perlas del emperador

1998. Columna de la televisión argentina con Roberto Di Chiara y su material fílmico.Las notas de esta semana: extras en el cine mudo de los años treinta. Hombres que se jugaron la "vida". Recordando los carnavales en Buenos Aires en los años sesenta, con la murga "Los cometos de Bodeo". Homenaje a Lennon Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

09)- Speeding Doom

1939 - Sci-Fi / Mystery
Plot finds eccentric scientist Dr. Alex Zorka (Bela Lugosi)carrying on various experiments in his secret laboratory with the aid of his assistant Monk (Jack C. Smith). Zorka has invented many strange weapons of warfare, including a devisualizer belt which renders him invisible...
Directed by:Ford Beebe, Saul A. Goodkind
Writing credits:Wyllis Cooper, George H. Plympton
Complete credited cast:
Bela LugosiRobert KentDorothy ArnoldEdwin StanleyRegis ToomeyJack C. SmithEdward Van SloanDora ClementAnthony AverillHugh ... continua

Intervista ai Modena City Ramblers

Intervista ai Modena Citiy Ramblers e a Mario Cavani di Banca Etica

22) - Las perlas del emperador

1997. Columna de la televisión argentina con Roberto Di Chiara y su material fílmico.Las notas de esta semana: los hombres "mosca" en los años treinta. Y remis (coches de alquiler) para perros. Una nueva moda en 1969. Los grandes dibujantes de historietas le brindan un homenaje al maestro Brescia Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

08)- Trapped in the Flames

1939 - Sci-Fi / Mystery
Plot finds eccentric scientist Dr. Alex Zorka (Bela Lugosi)carrying on various experiments in his secret laboratory with the aid of his assistant Monk (Jack C. Smith). Zorka has invented many strange weapons of warfare, including a devisualizer belt which renders him invisible...
Directed by:Ford Beebe, Saul A. Goodkind
Writing credits:Wyllis Cooper, George H. Plympton
Complete credited cast:
Bela LugosiRobert KentDorothy ArnoldEdwin StanleyRegis ToomeyJack C. SmithEdward Van SloanDora ClementAnthony AverillHugh ... continua

Intervista a Mara Cilli

Intervista a Mara Cilli - Rete Lilliput

21) - Las perlas del emperador

1997. Columna de la televisión argentina con Roberto Di Chiara y su material fílmico.La nota de esta semana: El salvamento de un ahogado, film de 1908 Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

07)- The Menacing Mist

1939 - Sci-Fi / Mystery
Plot finds eccentric scientist Dr. Alex Zorka (Bela Lugosi)carrying on various experiments in his secret laboratory with the aid of his assistant Monk (Jack C. Smith). Zorka has invented many strange weapons of warfare, including a devisualizer belt which renders him invisible...
Directed by:Ford Beebe, Saul A. Goodkind
Writing credits:Wyllis Cooper, George H. Plympton
Complete credited cast:
Bela LugosiRobert KentDorothy ArnoldEdwin StanleyRegis ToomeyJack C. SmithEdward Van SloanDora ClementAnthony AverillHugh ... continua

Daniela Guerra

Intervista a Daniela Guerra - Capogruppo regionale dei Verdi.