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Intervento di Francesco Martone

Francesco Martone, Gruppo Parlamentare Verdi-l'Ulivo.Durante l'incontro "A che punto è la notte" Le inchieste di Genova e l'emergenza diritti civili in Italia.


1950 - Crime / Drama / Film-Noir
Motor mechanic Dan Brady lacks funds for a heavy date with new waitress Vera, the type whose life's ambition is a fur coat; so he embezzles twenty dollars from his employer. To make up the shortage, he goes in debt for a hundred. Thereafter, every means he tries to get out of trouble only gets him deeper into crime, while everyone he meets is out for what they can get.
Directed by:Irving Pichel
Writing credits:Robert Smith
Complete Credited cast:
Mickey RooneyJeanne CagneyBarbara BatesPeter LorreTaylor HolmesArt ... continua

Vivir la madera

Destacados arquitectos chilenos comentan "en situ" de Iquique a Chiloé, notables obras arquitectónicas tradicionales y contemporáneas realizadas en madera, valorando su vigencia como material constructivo y estético.
Escenario: I y II regiones, norte de Chile. VIII y X regiones, sur de Chile
Dirección: David Benavente
Montaje: Fernando Valenzuela, David Benavente
Producción: Ernesto Cuadra
Institución: Centro EAC, Artes de la Comunicación, Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Visita el sitio: www.centroeac.cl
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Intervento di Francesco Pardi

Francesco Pardi dell'Associazione laboratorio per la democrazia. Manifestazione promossa dai girotondi e dai movimenti presso il teatro Vittoria, Roma 10 e 11 gennaio 2004.

Queen of the Amazons

1947 - Adventure / Sci-Fi A woman's husband has disappeared on an expedition into the jungle. She hires a guide to take her into the jungle to find him. However, they discover that he has been captured by a savage female tribe. Directed by:Edward Finney Writing credits:Roger Merton Complete Credited cast: Robert LoweryPatricia MorisonJ. Edward BrombergJohn MiljanAmira MoustafaKeith RichardsBruce EdwardsWilson BengeJack GeorgeCay ForresterVida AldanaHassan Khayyam Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Transterrados Españoles

Enrique Cueto, Roser Bru, Piedad Bollada, Leopoldo Castedo llegan a Chile en 1939 como refugiados de la guerra civil española, trayéndonos a la memoria en forma amena y emocionante, sus esfuerzos por salir adelante en Chile aportándonos su experiencia y sabiduría en los campos de la educación, las artes, la familia y la historia.
Escenario: V región y Santiago de Chile
Dirección: David Benavente
Montaje: David Benavente
Música: David Benavente
Producción: Ernesto Cuadra
Institución: Centro EAC, Artes de ... continua

Intervento di Daniela Carboni

Intervento di Daniela Carboni, (Amnesty International) Durante l'incontro "A che punto è la notte" Le inchieste di Genova e l'emergenza diritti civili in Italia. Visita il sito: www.veritagiustizia.it Visita il sito: www.amnesty.it

Project Kill

1976 - Action
John Trevor escapes from the military base where he commanded Project: Kill, a mind control experiment that used drugs to create bodyguards and assassins for the United States and makes his way to the Philippines. Soon Trevor finds himself in love with Lee Su and feeling the with drawl symptoms from the drugs for the mind control that make him very dangerous not only to himself but everyone around him. His former second in command Project: Kill agent Frank Lassiter has been ordered to find him before the with drawl effects become too violent and ... continua

Salir adelante

Narra cuatro emocionantes historias de seres humanos del mundo popular chileno que luchan por salir adelante en la vida superando la adversidad, la pobreza y la indiferencia social, empleando para ello sus propias capacidades y valores culturales: solidaridad, participación, sentido del humor y esperanza.
Escenario: Santiago de Chile
Dirección: David Benavente
Montaje: David Benavente
Producción: Ernesto Cuadra
Institución: Centro EAC, Artes de la comunicación, Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Visita el sitio: ... continua

Intervento di Antonio Di Pietro

Antonio Di Pietro, Italia dei valori. Manifestazione promossa dai girotondi e dai movimenti presso il teatro Vittoria, Roma 10 e 11 gennaio 2004.