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East of Borneo

1931 - Adventure Woman treks through jungle to find her missing husband, who had left her years before when he believed she was having an affair. She finds him as the drunken court physician to a tyrannical jungle prince; as if that isn't bad enough, she soon realizes the the prince has eyes for her. Directed by: George Melford Writing credits:Edwin H. Knopf, Dale Van Every Complete credited cast: Rose Hobart Charles BickfordGeorges RenaventLupita TovarNoble JohnsonTom London Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Entrevista a Oscar Hahn - Off The Record

"Yo tuteo a la muerte" dice uno de los poemas más cercanos al período en que Hahn estuvo en la cárcel como preso político en Arica en 1973. Con la misma naturalidad habla de su tendencia a moverse en los distintos lenguajes poéticos, característica que ha impedido catalogarlo dentro de una generación o movimiento literario. En esta entrevista el poeta chileno radicado en Estados Unidos (donde trabaja como profesor de Literatura) lee poemas de sus libros "Versos robados" y "Arte de Morir".
Biografía y obra de Oscar Hahn
Off the record era un programa ... continua

Diritto e legge: da Antigone a Cretone
Lectio magistralis di Gustavo Zagrebelsky

Il filmato è fornito dal servizio Cultura e Spettacolo dell'Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Venezia, nell'ambito della 5° edizione di "Fondamenta - Venezia città di lettori".

Laurel and Hardy: County Hospital

1932 - Short / Comedy

Visiting Oliver in the hospital where he's recovering from a broken leg, Stanley wreaks havoc on both his friend (getting Oliver strung up from the ceiling by his cast-encased leg) as well as the doctor, who winds up dangling out the window. After they're ordered out, Stanley tries to drive Oliver home, unaware that he's just accidentally injected himself with a powerful sedative.
Directed by: James Parrott
Writing credits:H.M. Walker
Complete credited cast:
Stan Laurel Oliver HardyStan Laurel Oliver HardyWilliam ... continua

Entrevista a Juan Pablo Izquierdo - Off The Record

La edad le queda bien este reconocido director de orquesta. Dice que después de cumplir 60 años descubre y disfruta más de la creatividad interpretativa. Las imágenes que contextualizan esta entrevista comprueban que no necesita una varilla para dirigir la orquesta, le basta con su cuerpo que sigue las emociones de la música con tanto entusiasmo y profesionalismo que ha recibido en dos ocasiones del Premio Nacional de la Crítica Chilena y del Premio Nacional de Música del Ministerio de Cultura de Israel. Ha dirigido numerosas orquestas de prestigio ... continua

Il Brasile delle favelas
Fernando Meirelles e Bráulio Mantovani

Il filmato è fornito dal servizio Cultura e Spettacolo dell'Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Venezia, nell'ambito della 5° edizione di "Fondamenta - Venezia città di lettori".

Laurel and Hardy: Help Mates

1932 - Short / Comedy

Oliver's house is in a shambles after a wild party, and his wife is due home at noon. He calls Stanley to help him fix the place up, and the typical catastrophies ensue. Somehow, however, Stanley manages to complete the job by the time Oliver leaves to pick up his wife at the train station. As a finishing touch, Stan decides to start a nice fire in the fireplace, using a can of gasoline to hurry the process along.
Directed by: James Parrott
Writing credits:H.M. Walker
Complete credited cast:
Stan Laurel Oliver ... continua

Entrevista a Mónica Echeverría - Off The Record

Sus crónicas son una selección de hechos insólitos como el que narra en uno de los casos más emblemáticos de la Inquisición en Chile por afectar a 6 mujeres aristócratas. Pero su origen está en el teatro. Fue Directora y autora en diferentes obras del teatro ICTUS, del cual es una de sus fundadoras. Las obras más exitosas de su dramaturgia han sido la serial de Quiriquirico, El círculo encantado, Chumingo y El pirata Lata, Guatapique, Zambacanuta. Famosos son sus tres ensayos dramatizados de Simone de Beauvoir, García Lorca y María Luisa Bombal que ... continua

Economia all'idrogeno
Lectio magistralis di Jeremy Rifkin

Il filmato è fornito dal servizio Cultura e Spettacolo dell'Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Venezia, nell'ambito della 5° edizione di "Fondamenta - Venezia città di lettori".

Laurel and Hardy: Beau Hunks

1931 - Short / Comedy

Jilted by his girlfriend, Jeanie-Weenie, Oliver joins the Foreign Legion to forget, bringing Stanley along with him. They wilt under the scorching desert sun and under the harsh discipline of the Commandant. On a long march to reinforce remote Fort Arid, the boys get lost in the sands, finally reaching the Fort only to find it besieged by the fearsome Riffs.
Directed by: James W. Horne
Writing credits:H.M. Walker
Complete credited cast:
Stan Laurel Oliver HardyJames W. HorneCharles MiddletonBroderick O'FarrellHarry ... continua