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Intervention de Mamadou Cissoko

Mamadou Cissoko (Sénégal) Leader du mouvement des paysans et responsable des la campagne "Récupérons notre nourriture".

Mirando por el ojo de la cerradura

1901. Film de ficción. El cinematógrafo, con apenas seis años de su nacimiento, mostraba la intimidad de la gente Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

Natura 2000: Safeguarding Europe's Species and Habitats

200 kilometres from Budapest, the Hortobagy National Park is one of Europe's most beutiful natural sites: over 80,000 hectares of grasslands, steppes and wetlands offering an exceptional mosaic of flora and fauna. The park belongs to the Natura 2000 European network. (Natura map) Across Europe, some 25,000 sites have been made part of this network in order to protect and manage wild species and the rarest and most endangered habitas in Europe.
Interviews:Dr Szilvia Gori, Life Project coordinator
Istvan Kappocsi, Conservation Biologist
Gerard Jadoul, Life Project ... continua

Intervento di Mamadou Cissoko

Mamadou Cissoko (Senegal) Animatore del movimento dei contadini e responsabile della Campagna "Riprendiamoci il nostro cibo".

Max se queda pegado

1906. Breve film francés de uno de los genios de la comicidad europea, Max Linder Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

EPER: Industrial Pollution On-line

Since February 23rd 2004, this Internet user has added a new bookmark to the favorites listed in his browser. The address is for the EPER site. EPER is the European PollutantEmission Register, which has been placed online by the European Commission. The EPER register is meant to be transparent and accessible to everybody.
A simple click takes the Internet user to the information highways that lead to the hearth of the register. EPER is a systematic listing of the pollutant emissions of nearly 10,000 industrial sites active in the 15 Union Member States and ... continua

Intervento di Roberto Savio

Roberto Savio (Argentina/Italia) IPS - InterPress Service, Board of Trustees.

Max aprende a patinar

1911. Corto mudo francés, en blanco y negro, con Max Linder, uno de los grandes cómicos de la pantalla francesa, del cine silente europeo Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

Europe Acts Aganist Obesity

Nearly half the population of Ireland is overweight and many can be described as obese. To tackle tihs worrying situation head on, the Irish Food Board has decided to launch a major project aimed at teaching people to eat more healthily from a very young age.
Interviews:Michael Maloney, Director of the Irish Food Board
Danielle Mc Nulty, Teacher, St Peters National School
Prof. Philip James, Chairman of the International Obesity Task Force
Dr Andres Varela, Puerta de Hierro Hospital
Markos Kyprianou, European Commissioner for Health & Consumer Protection
... continua

Intervento di Jean Fabre

Jean Fabre (Svizzera) Direttore dell'UNDP di Ginevra