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Sustainable energy ? domestic appliances

European consumers aren?t full aware of the advantages to be gained by new and efficient electric appliances. In view of the up-coming Season shopping, when buying new appliances, it is essential for the consumer to be able to make a well-informed choice. The industry, pushed by the European Commission, has invested in products able to provide a high performance while reducing the environmental impact. Efforts should come from the industry, the consumers, but also from the public administration. The European Commission will propose in January 2007 the Strategic EU ... continua

Track of the Moon Beast

1976 - Mystery A mild-mannered mineralogist gets hit in the head with a meteor and becomes a mean, giant lizard monster. Directed by:Richard Ashe Writing credits:Bill Finger, Charles Sinclair Cast: Chase Cordell Leigh DrakeGregorio SalaPatrick M. WrightFrancine KesslerTimothy Wayne BrownCrawford MacCallumJeanne SwainAlan SwainFred McCaffreyTim ButlerGary KaninFrank LarrabeeJoe Blasco Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles: Download the parallel text en-it

The Woman Hunter

1972 - Mystery A woman vacationing with her husband in Mexico discovers she is being stalked by an international killer. Directed by:Bernard L. Kowalski Writing credits:Brian Clemens, Tony Williamson Cast: Barbara EdenRobert VaughnStuart WhitmanSydney ChaplinEnrique LuceroLarry StorchNorma StorchAurora MuñozVictor Hugo Jaurequi Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles: Download the parallel text en-it

Creciendo con dignidad

Un documental sobre El Centro Cultural Esperanza ubicada en la toma de Penalolen en Santiago de Chile Visita el sitio: www.esperanzachile.com

A World that Speaks Different

Video with information about the nowadays economic system: through the experience and the stories told by the protagonists of an Italian event about the even economy of a State. Economy that allows a better use of our environment and of sustainable development.Visit the site: www.contemporaryartaddiction.org Mail to: redazione@contemporaryartaddiction.org

Flu Pandemic: EU getting ready for global response

Several measures to prevent, detect or contain the H5N1 virus in the EU have managed to stop the virus from spreading up to now. The future evolution of the situation is difficult to foresee because the H5N1 virus is still present in many countries, for example in Asia. The European Commission and the Member States constantly review the state of the disease outbreaks in the world and adapt the surveillance and the control measures accordingly.We have visited a Hungarian farm which was the departure point for an outbreak of avian flu that spread to 28 other Hungarian ... continua

AIDS: New leads for treatments and vaccines

Today, 1st December 2006, is the nineteenth World Aids Day. Some alarming data shows that in certain countries the rate of infections, which in the past were stable or in decline, are now increasing. According to sources at UNAIDS, in 2006 more than 4 million new people have been infected. In Central and Eastern Europe alone more than 740,000 individuals live with the disease. Research on this terrible virus intensifies. In Europe, and notably with the support of the European institutions, numerous laboratories test new treatments and vaccines. Carmen, 25 years ... continua

Cuatrocientos Cincuenta

Al final de los años '40, en Argentina, fue fundado el Sistema de Pensiones. Millones de jóvenes empezaron a poner parte de sus salarios en el nuevo sistema.
Los gobiernos democráticos y las autoridades militares llegaron a regularizar el estado. Se apropiaron de los ahorros que la gente había puesto en el Fondo y los malgastaron.
Hoy, aquellos jóvenes trabajadores pueden ver que todo el dinero ahorrado, el resultado de una vida transcurrida trabajando, ya no existe más. Tienen una pensión aproximada de 150 dólares.
Esta es la historia ... continua

Loose Change

Loose Change es seguramente el documental más completo e interesante que se haya producido hasta hoy sobre el 11 de Septiembre. El autor es Dylan Avery, un joven de un poco más de veinte años que hace dos años empezó a recolectar y estudiar la gran cantidad de material existente en la red, realizando junto con su amigo Korey Rowe - veterano de las guerras en Afganistán e Irak - un trabajo que ya ha sido visto en Google Video por más de dos millones de personas en el mundo. Para todos aquellos que se interesan por lo sucedido ... continua

Avian flu: EU prevention bears fruit

Several measures to prevent, detect or contain the H5N1 virus in the EU have managed to stop the virus from spreading up to now. The future evolution of the situation is difficult to foresee because the H5N1 virus is stillpresent in many countries, for example in Asia. The European Commission and the Member States constantly review the state of the disease outbreaks inthe world and adapt the surveillance and the control measures accordingly.We have visited a Hungarian farm which was the departure point for an outbreak of avian flu that spread to 28 other Hungarian ... continua