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Ali Baba

Public Domain Animation

Nishizawa, Sejima, Aravena y Villar: Habitar el Futuro

Ryue Nishizawa, Kazuyo Sejima, Alejandro Aravena y Javier Villar nos presentan el conversatorio "Habitar el Futuro".

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Nosotros no estamos en casa

La familia Kashi se encuentra en apuros. Los estafadores les han quitado todo el capital familiar y solo les queda la vieja casa. El año nuevo se acerca y no saben qué hacer con los gastos hasta que de repente se ven encarrilados hacia la felicidad.

Il castello di Dragonwyck

Un ricco e dispotico olandese, che vuole continuare gloriosamente la sua stirpe, non riesce ad avere figli dalla prima moglie. Uccisa questa, sposa Miranda, una parente spiantata. Ma il figlio che nasce dall'unione muore subito dopo. Ormai sull'orlo della pazzia, l'olandese vede svanire la speranza di avere un erede per le proprie ricchezze. Vorrebbe avvelenare Miranda, ma un giovane dottore impedisce l'omicidio. Il pazzo muore e Miranda sposa il medico.

Beth Noveck - La nueva sociedad

Beth Simone Noveck (born 1971) is the Jerry Hultin Global Network Professor at New York University's Tandon School of Engineering and director of the Governance Lab. She was the United States deputy chief technology officer for open government and led President Obama's Open Government Initiative. Based at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy until January 2011, she is an expert on technology and institutional innovation. On May 16, 2011 George Osborne announced that Noveck had been recruited to a position in the United Kingdom government. She is a ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

The dancing fool

Betty Boop is an animated cartoon character created by Max Fleischer, with help from animators including Grim Natwick. She originally appeared in the Talkartoon and Betty Boop film series, which were produced by Fleischer Studios and released by Paramount Pictures. She has also been featured in comic strips and mass merchandising.
A caricature of a Jazz Age flapper, Betty Boop was described in a 1934 court case as: "combin[ing] in appearance the childish with the sophisticated--a large round baby face with big eyes and a nose like a button, framed in a somewhat ... continua

Woody Woodpecker Season02 Special - Woody s News Reel

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Covid-19: Testimonianze dal mondo - 42 MAROCCO (Tangeri)

Testimonianze dal mondo: Covid-19 è una rubrica realizzata dal gruppo di filmmaker Opponiamoci. Sono interviste e testimonianze realizzate nei cinque Continenti e avranno un pubblicazione quasi giornaliera sulla home page di Arcoiris.tv. In più le potrete ritrovare tutte insieme cliccando sul nuovo logo Opponiamoci Testimonianze dal mondo: Covid-19 che troverete fisso in home page. Parla Jamal Ouassini, violinista

Los Misterios del Gran Paititi - Al Sur del Mundo

El Beni, que forma parte de la cuenca amazónica de Bolivia es un enorme territorio casi deshabitado, sin embargo antiguas y misteriosas estructuras agro hidráulicas cubren miles de kilómetros cuadrados, conformando potencialmente el mayor espacio cultivado de América Precolombina. Viajamos junto a Kennet Lee quién postula que durante miles de años existió aquí el mítico El Dorado que buscaron infructuosamente los Incas por su gigantesca riqueza agrícola.Dirección: Francisco Gedda
Fotografía: Ralf Oberti
Montaje: Pedro Chaskel
Investigación y ... continua

Visita: www.alsurdelmundo.cl

Espungabera, un nuevo amanecer

La guerra de desestabilización en Mozambique ha provocado la muerte de miles de personas, víctimas del régimen del Apartheid Sudafricano. Frente a este devastador panorama, la UNICEF planifica la salvaguarda de refugiados de guerra en la localidad de Espungabera, a través de la entrega de alimentos, asistencia médica y educación a las miles de familias afectadas.

Visita: www.cinetecavirtual.cl