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Fort Apache - El poder del poder

El Ibex es un índice bursátil formado por 35 empresas que valen el 50 % del PIB, tienen el 7 % de los trabajadores y pagan el 7 % de todos los impuestos.
Desde el inicio de la crisis en 2008, solo una empresa del Ibex 35 ha sido liquidada: Martinsa-Fadesa. Mientras tanto, el Estado ha pasado por un proceso de reducción de competencias económicas y limitación del gasto.
Por otro lado, fondos de inversión extranjeros como Blackrock, tienen un poder inimaginable en España. Blackrock, tiene participaciones en 19 de las 35 empresas del Ibex 35. Además, es la ... continua

His double life

His Double Life 1933 (re-uploaded-trimmed to 1hr8min ) the other post on this site had approx 1/2 hour of dead air and I trimmed it off using real player plus trimmer tool. hope it derives correctly on the re-upload here


Tumbleweeds is a 1925 American western film starring and produced by William S. Hart. It depicts the Cherokee strip land rush of 1893. The film is said to have influenced the Oscar-winning 1931 Western Cimarron, which also depicts the land rush.[1] The 1939 Astor Pictures' re-release of Tumbleweeds includes an 8-minute introduction by the then 75-year-old Hart as he talks about his career and the "glories of the old west."

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari () is a 1920 German silent film horror film, directed by Robert Wiene and written by Hans Janowitz and Carl Mayer. Considered the quintessential work of German Expressionism cinema, it tells the story of an insane hypnotist (Werner Krauss) who uses a Sleepwalking (Conrad Veidt) to commit murders. The film features a dark and twisted visual style, with sharp-pointed forms, oblique and curving lines, structures and landscapes that lean and twist in unusual angles, and shadows and streaks of light painted directly onto the sets

Popeye's car wash

Popeye the Sailor is a cartoon fictional character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre on January 17, 1929, and Popeye became the strip's title in later years. Popeye has also appeared in theatrical and television animated cartoons

Hannibal - Riassuntazzo brutto brutto

NO SPOILER. Tranquilli. In realtà io e Lara abbiamo avuto una conversazione lunghissima sui massimi sistemi, purtroppo non potevo mettere tutto o vi avrei annoiato a morte.

Visita: www.barbascura.com

Alexander Sándor Szalay: El salto interestelar de la Astronomía

Alexander Sándor Szalay: Doctor en Astrofísica, Profesor distinguido de Bloomberg y Director del Institute for Data Intensive Science. Trabaja en las medidas estadísticas de la distribución espacial de las galaxias y su formación. Miembro Correspondiente de la Academia de Ciencias de Hungría y de la Academia Americana de Artes y Ciencias. En 2004 recibió el premio Alexander Von Humboldt en Ciencias Físicas.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Il futuro della ricerca medica + medicina moderna

06. Il futuro della ricerca medica. Medicina moderna: la radioterapia, cura «non invasiva» dei tumori che aumenta la sopravvivenza e la qualità della vita. Festival del Futuro 2019

Giovanni Sabato - Alla ricerca dei bambini rubati: storie di nonne, dittatori e DNA

Festa di Scienza e Filosofia, quinta edizione. Foligno, Monastero di Sant'Anna, domenica 12 aprile 2015. Riprese e montaggio a cura dell'ITT Foligno.

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

Giorgio Stabile: La ruota della fortuna

In ottica storica, Giorgio Stabile ricostruisce la storia di lunga durata della “ruota della Fortuna” come grande dispositivo concettuale e iconografico che, a partire dal mondo classico, ordina il tempo cosmico, storico ed esistenziale attorno all’idea di ciclicità.

Visita: www.festivalfilosofia.it