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Hearts in exile

Hearts in exile is a 1915 American film directed by James Young (director). It was produced by Peerless Studios when it and many other early film studios in America's first motion picture industry were based in Fort Lee, New Jersey at the beginning of the 20th century. A print of the film survives in the Archiva Nationala de Filme film archive. The film is also known as Hearts Afire (American reissue title).

A flawed family flick

This is a project that was put together in just a few hours. Many young children have no interest in silent movies, which means they are missing some of the best movies ever made. We produced this short subject in the hope that it would spark some interest in old silent movies for a younger generation. I enjoyed the video so much I am now hoping to produce several more of them......Special Editors Note: we have created "Flawed Family Flicks" as a fun way to rekindle new interest in some great old movies. These remixes were originally created for my grandchildren, and ... continua

It's A Joke, Son

The first Eagle-Lion film stars Kenny Delmar as Senator Beauregard Claghorn, his "Allen's Alley" resident-character heard on Fred Allen's radio program. Claghorn was a blustery, one-man-Chamber-of-Commerce for all things Southern, who had no tolerence for anything north of the Mason-Dixon line, although he made allowances for South Philly. The character inspired the creation of one of the most popular of the Warners' cartoon characters, Foghorn Leghorn, who re-worked most of the originals material and style. The title of this movie is a stock line- "it's a joke, ... continua


Gli sciuscià sono i ragazzini lustrascarpe (dall'americano "shoe-shine" che significa, lustrare le scarpe). Si guadagnano qualche spicciolo sulle scarpe dei soldati americani a Napoli, siamo nel 1945. Pasquale e Giuseppe vogliono comprarsi un cavallo. Raccogliere i soldi necessari solo lustrando sarebbe impossibile così si fanno invischiare in una faccenda di mercato nero e finiscono in riformatorio, dove incontrano una realtà orrenda che li mette a dura prova, compromettendo la loro stessa amicizia. Durante un tentativo di fuga uno dei ragazzi muore cadendo da un ... continua

Woody Woodpecker Season01 Special - Walter Lantz Woodys Creation

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Perú: sigue la crisis política en pandemia

EN FOCO.- En medio de una grave crisis política por el enfrentamiento entre el Ejecutivo y el Legislativo, con la pandemia del coronavirus en dramática alza y una aguda crisis económica, el presidente peruano Martín Vizcarra ha tenido que cambiar dos gabinetes ministeriales en solo tres semanas. Cayó un primer ministro portavoz del empresariado, el político de la derecha liberal Pedro Cateriano, y ha sido reemplazado por el general retirado Walter Martos, quien era desde octubre pasado ministro de Defensa.

Visita: www.surysur.net

Seconda ondata: come la stanno gestendo gli altri paesi europei?


Diete, mente, alimentazione

#justmick #alimentazione #scienza

Ricardo Uauy: La obesidad es la epidemia del siglo

Ricardo Uauy: Doctor en Bioquímica Nutricional. Médico y Premio Nacional de Ciencias Aplicadas y Tecnológicas 2012. Forma parte del cuerpo académico del Instituto de Nutrición y Tecnología de Alimentos de la Universidad de Chile (INTA), y de la London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine de Inglaterra. Su trabajo se ha enfocado en estudiar los requerimientos nutricionales en estados de salud y enfermedad.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Helene Landemore: Los principios de la Democracia Abierta

PhD en Ciencia Políticas de la Universidad de Harvard. Magíster en Filosofía y en Ciencias Políticas. Investiga la teoría democrática, los procesos constitucionales participativos y la democracia en el lugar de trabajo. Ganadora del Premio David y Elaine Spitz 2015 al mejor libro de teoría democrática liberal. Autora de “Razón democrática: política, inteligencia colectiva y el dominio de muchos” (Princeton Press 2013) y “Democracia abierta: reinventar el gobierno popular para el siglo XXI” (de próxima aparición). "A diferencia de la democracia ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl