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Silvano Fuso: Strafalcioni da Nobel

Silvano Fuso - Professore di Chimica e Divulgatore scientifico, Socio Effettivo CICAP: "Strafalcioni da Nobel". Modera: Piero Bianucci, giornalista scientifico, socio onorario CICAP. CICAP - FEST 2018 Auditorium Orto Botanico, Padova 15/09/2018

Visita: www.cicap.org

Marco Iosa - Storia della Sezione aurea: dall'Arte alle Neuroscienze

Marco Iosa: Ricercatore IRCCS. Cosa accomuna i battiti del cuore al Partenone, i movimenti delle dita alla Venere di Milo, la forma dei girasoli alla Cappella Sistina? È la bellezza delle loro proporzioni, tutte legate a un unico numero noto col nome di sezione aurea. Ripercorrendo la storia di come questo numero abbia terrorizzato Pitagora e appassionato Platone, ispirato Leonardo e fatto innamorare Keplero, si ripercorre il cammino dell'uomo, fino a scoprirlo come chiave dell'armonia dei nostri passi.

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

Woody Woodpecker Season08 Episode10 - Hypnotic Hick

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Cristian Galbiati - Gli Argonauti alla ricerca della materia oscura

Cristian Galbiati : Professore di Fisica, Università di Princeton, USA. Due entità misteriose dominano l'Universo: l'energia oscura, una forza completamente ignota che permea gli spazi interstellari, e la materia, costituita quasi al 90% da materia oscura, mai rilevata da strumenti. Nei laboratori sotto il Gran Sasso sta per nascere DarkSide, uno dei programmi più avanzati per la scoperta della materia oscura, che fa uso di argon estratto da giacimenti sotterranei e purificato in una torre di 350 metri sita nel Sulcis, nell'ultima miniera di carbone italiana.

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

El Islam en Portugal

Los musulmanes en el año 711 entraron en la Península Ibérica. En 712 llegaron a la parte oeste de la península que se llamaba Algarve Al - Andalus. Los árabes permanecieron durante 400 años en ese lugar y dejaron algunas influencias que aún podemos sentir. Una de las influencias más importantes de los árabes en esta región es la religión de Islam. En este documental intentamos conocer más la historia de los musulmanes en la Península.

Sin límites ni fronteras

Irán se encuentra entre los países pioneros en el campo de biomedicina y exporta sus productos con un precio más bajo y una alta calidad en comparación con otros países.
El documental trata de mostrar los avances de Irán en el campo de biomedicina. Relata la vida de un joven iraní que ha logrado fabricar un medicamento biológico para el tratamiento de las consecuencias de quimioterapia en personas con cáncer.
El medicamento está monopolizado por EU y este país se abstiene de venderlo a otros países por lo cual muchas personas hasta el momento han perdido ... continua

Arthur Conan Doyle

Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle Venerable Order of Saint John, Deputy Lieutenant (22 May 1859 - 7 July 1930) was a Scottish physician and writer who is most noted for his fictional stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes, which are generally considered milestones in the field of crime fiction. He is also known for writing the fictional adventures of a second character he invented, Professor Challenger, and for popularising the mystery of the Mary Celeste. He was a prolific writer whose other works include fantasy and science fiction stories, plays, romances, ... continua

Mud and sand

Mud and sand is a silent film starring Stan Laurel, that was filmed in 1922 in film. Laurel plays a matador who makes a fool of a famous Spanish dancer. The dancer demands revenge and, in the end, kills the matador by throwing a concealed brick at him after a fight with the fiercest bull in Spain. The moral of the story, shown in the last scene, is: "If you want to live long -- and be happy -- cut out the bull!" The title spoofs the Rudolph Valentino film Blood and Sand (1922 film), and many scenes directly parody that film.

Last clear chance

Last clear chance is a 1959 American short film produced and directed by Robert Carlisle. Sponsored by Union Pacific Railroad, Last Clear Chance is a safety film intended to warn young drivers to be caul at railroad crossings. The film's cast consists of William Boyett, Harold Agee, Mrs. Harold Agee, Tim Bosworth, William Agee, Christine Lynch, and Lou Spraker. Written by Leland Baxter, the film was shot in parts of Idaho. Wondsel, Carlisle & Dunphy Inc, based in New York City, served as the film's production company.

Riding on Air

Smugglers are using a device for controlling airplanes in flight, and newspaper reporters from Chicago are vying for the story. Reporter Elmer Lane is out to scoop rival reporter Betty Harrison, and capture her heart in the process.