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A failed actor, after killing the mad scientist he works for, decides to take over the scientist's life and continue his work

Taschen 40th anniversary - Presentazione collana

Per festeggiare il 40esimo anniversario, Taschen, inaugura nel 2020 la nuova collana di oltre venti titoli #luxuryforless. #luxuryforless

Visita: www.libri.it

L'astrologa di Reagan: Paolo Attivissimo al XIII Convegno Nazionale del CICAP

"L'astrologa di Reagan. Quando la pseudoscienza influenza il potere". XIII Convegno Nazionale del CICAP L'intervento di Paolo Attivissimo, giornalista, blogger "Il Disinformatico", Presidente CICAP Ticino. Teatro Alessandro Bonci, Cesena 27 settembre 2015.

Visita: www.cicap.org

Paolo Prodi: Il mito della rivoluzione nel tramonto della modernità

Festa di Scienza e Filosofia, terza edizione. Foligno, Palazzo Trinci Sala Rossa 3 maggio 2013

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

Café expreso

Dos miembros de una organización terrorista residentes en el extranjero, tienen la misión de acercarse al ingeniero Bahman Arami, con el fin de conseguir información valiosa sobre las estructuras de los emplazamientos de enriquecimiento de energía atómica.

A study In Scarlet

In London, a secret society led by lawyer Thaddeus Merrydew collects the assets of any of its deceased members and divides them among the remaining members. Society members start dropping like flies. Sherlock Holmes is approached by member James Murphy's widow, who is miffed at being left penniless by her husband. When Captain Pyke is shot, Holmes keys in on his mysterious Chinese widow as well as the shady Merrydew. Other members keep dying--Malcom Dearing first, then Mr. Baker. There is also an attempt on the life of young Eileen Forrester, who became a reluctant ... continua

Flirting with fate

In the midst of an emotional depression, a man hires a murderer to kill him. But the despair soon passes, and the man must now escape the killer he's hired to end his life. Stars: Douglas Fairbanks, W. E. Lawrence, Jewel Carmen, Dorothy Haydel, George Beranger, and J. P. McCarty Flirting with fate is a 1916 American film directed by Christy Cabanne.

A Vision of a Zoo to Preserve Wildlife

Few animals in modern zoos have to spend their entire lives behind bars and in the best cases, they can move around in spacious artificial landscapes based on their natural habitats. The World Zoo Conservation Strategy stipulates that the main priority of zoos today should be nature and species conservation and public awareness. So how effective are they at this?

César Hidalgo: Monopolio de los datos, ¿Un nuevo poder?

En el marco del Congreso del Futuro, César Hidalgo - Doctor en Física - presentó su charla: "Monopolio de los datos, ¿Un nuevo poder?"

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Anil Seth: Construyendo Realidad

Anil Seth: Editor en jefe de la revista Neuroscience of Consciousness. Profesor de neurociencia cognitiva y computacional en la Universidad de Sussex y co-director fundador del Sackler Center for Consciousness Science. Investiga las bases biológicas de la conciencia, reuniendo investigaciones sobre neurociencia, matemáticas, inteligencia artificial, informática, psicología, filosofía y psiquiatría. Ha publicado más de 150 artículos académicos y ha editado el libro de ciencia popular 30 Second Brain. Miembro principal del Instituto Canadiense de Investigación ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl