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A romance of the redwoods

A young girl (Mary Pickford) travels west to live with her uncle during the California gold rush only to find that he has been killed by Indians and his identity assumed by an outlaw.

Evil brain from outer space

A monstrous evil brain from outer space leads his minions on a crusade to conquer the universe, and unleashes hideous monsters on Earth that spread deadly diseases. Superhero Starman must rescue Earth from the menace of the evil brain while battling armies of monsters the brain sends against him

Woody Woodpecker Season03 Special - Woodys News Reel

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Luigi Garlaschelli e Alessandra Carrer: Scienziati pazzi

Luigi Garlaschelli - Chimico, Socio Emerito CICAP e Alessandra Carrer - Designer e Grafica : "Scienziati pazzi". Modera: Piero Bianucci, giornalista scientifico, socio onorario CICAP. CICAP - FEST 2018 Auditorium Orto Botanico, Padova 15/09/2018

Visita: www.cicap.org

Remo Bodei: La città di Dio di Agostino di Ippona

La città di Dio di Agostino di Ippona #festivalfilo09 | #comunità

Visita: www.festivalfilosofia.it

Silvano Tagliagambe: Pauli e Jung. Un confronto su materia e psiche

Sabato 21 maggio - Palazzo Trinci - Foligno Festa di Scienza e Filosofia 2011

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

Azucarero de la dote

Atá y su esposa están en apuros, el dueño del piso donde viven ha subido el alquiler y no encuentran la manera de reunir la cantidad hasta que les ocurre una idea.

Bank alarm

An investigator tries to find a gang responsible for a series of bank robberies thus jeopardizing his sister, the girlfriend of the gang's ringleader. Bank alarm is a 1937 American film directed by Louis J. Gasnier.

Broken blossoms

Broken blossoms or The Yellow Man and the Girl is a 1919 American silent film drama film directed by D.W. Griffith. It was distributed by United Artists and premiered on May 13, 1919. It stars Lillian Gish, Richard Barthelmess and Donald Crisp, and tells the story of young girl, Lucy Burrows, who is abused by her alcoholic prizefighting father, Battling Burrows, and meets Cheng Huan, a kind-hearted Chinese man who falls in love with her. It was the first film released by United Artists. It is based on Thomas Burke (author)'s short story "The Chink and the Child" from ... continua

Fall of the House of Usher

Psychadelic at times, this unusual and memorable movie version of Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher" has some creative details, and although it is one of the more obscure versions of the story, it offers a distinctive look at a couple of its many interesting aspects. The style is deliberately murky, and it has not so much as an inter-title, so that you do need to know at least the basic plot in order to understand what is happening. Check out the Jean Epstein version, too (also 1928)