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Sin límites ni fronteras

Irán se encuentra entre los países pioneros en el campo de biomedicina y exporta sus productos con un precio más bajo y una alta calidad en comparación con otros países.
El documental trata de mostrar los avances de Irán en el campo de biomedicina. Relata la vida de un joven iraní que ha logrado fabricar un medicamento biológico para el tratamiento de las consecuencias de quimioterapia en personas con cáncer.
El medicamento está monopolizado por EU y este país se abstiene de venderlo a otros países por lo cual muchas personas hasta el momento han perdido ... continua

High society

Mickey lives with his Uncle Pat, and they frequently have corned beef for dinner. The gang meanwhile steals fruit from the local merchant by using a funnel and a drainpipe. The police officer who catches them wants to teach them a lesson, and then goes to get corned beef dinner with Pat. Mickey is soon adopted by his Aunt Kate to make him into a little gentleman. She and her butler bathe him down, slick back his hair and put him in a Little Lord Fauntleroy suit. To make things worse is Mickey's Cousin Percy who make his life even more miserable. During a time when ... continua

Dough and dynamite

Charlie Chaplin's 29th Released Oct. 26 1914 The story involves Chaplin and Chester Conklin working as waiters at a restaurant where the cooks go on strike. When the two are forced to work as bakers, the striking cooks put dynamite in the dough, with explosive results. Dough and Dynamite was one of two Charlie Chaplin films that were to be shown at a special event in September, 2001. However, in the light of 9/11, it was taken off the list of films as it ends with Charlie walking out of a blown up building.
Dough and dynamite is a 1914 American comedy silent film ... continua

Penny Serenade

Penny Serenade is a 1941 in film film melodrama starring Irene Dunne, Cary Grant, Beulah Bondi, and Edgar Buchanan. The picture was directed by George Stevens, written by Martha Cheavens and Morrie Ryskind, and depicts the story of a loving couple who must overcome adversity to keep their marriage and raise a child. Grant was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance.

Rocky Jones, Space Ranger

Cruising the galaxy in his space ship "The Orbit Jet" Space Ranger, Rocky Jones (Richard Crane), Vena Ray (Sally Mansfield), and 10 year-old Bobby (Robert Lyden) defend the Earth and themselves against space-bound evil doers. A couple of missiles strike earth and Rocky and the gang go to find out where they are coming from. They end up on a moon of Jupiter which is perfect for their survival. They are lucky to land because they have run out of gas. At least their gas gauge says so.

Mandiamo In Pensione Riccardo Orioles

Con Giambattista Scidà, La redazione del Giornale del Sud, La redazione de I Siciliani, Brunella Lottero, Lorenzo Misuraca, Luca Vullo, Massimiliano Nicosia, Michela Mancini, Rocco Rossitto, Serena Maiorana, Danilo Daquino, Sara Spartà, Gianfranco Faillaci, Giovanni Caruso, Elena Fava, Luca Salici, Claudia Campese, Simone Olivelli, Leandro Perrotta, Luisa Santangelo, Mattia Gangi e Salvo Catalano di Meridionews, Pino Finocchiaro, Norma Ferrara, Enzo Iacopino, Miki Gambino, Claudio Fava, Luciano Bruno, Fabio D'Urso.

Woody Woodpecker Season07 Episode04 - 100 Pygmies and Andy Panda

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Martha Haynes: El origen de la vida, ¿Hijos del Universo?

En el marco del Congreso del Futuro, Martha Haynes -Doctora en Astronomía- realizó su charla magistral: “El origen de la vida, ¿Hijos del Universo?"

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Marco Iosa - Storia della Sezione aurea: dall'Arte alle Neuroscienze

Marco Iosa: Ricercatore IRCCS. Cosa accomuna i battiti del cuore al Partenone, i movimenti delle dita alla Venere di Milo, la forma dei girasoli alla Cappella Sistina? È la bellezza delle loro proporzioni, tutte legate a un unico numero noto col nome di sezione aurea. Ripercorrendo la storia di come questo numero abbia terrorizzato Pitagora e appassionato Platone, ispirato Leonardo e fatto innamorare Keplero, si ripercorre il cammino dell'uomo, fino a scoprirlo come chiave dell'armonia dei nostri passi.

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

News della settimana (31 ottobre - 6 novembre 2020)

Elezioni USA: la truffa del secolo? - In USA votano anche i morti - In Italia il coprifuoco “non ha ragione scientifica” - Adesso arriva il Covid dei visoni - “Venite a visitare gli ospedali, anzi no” – Il doppiopesismo di Piero Angela

Visita: contro.tv