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A farm-house romance

"Max, who has sponged upon a wealthy uncle, is told by that worthy to marry one of the daughters of an old friend of his. Max goes down to the farm. At a family council, it is hastily decided that Max must be induced to marry the elder daughter. The daughter shrewdly foresees that Max is more likely to want to marry her younger sister, and she accordingly insists on the sister being disguised as a servant during his stay. Max does not find farm life very congenial. The appearance of a pretty maid introduces some element of pleasure, and he has an exciting time for a ... continua

A film Johnnie

A film Johnnie is a 1914 American-made motion picture starring Charles Chaplin, Roscoe Arbuckle, and Mabel Normand.

A flawed family flick

This is a project that was put together in just a few hours. Many young children have no interest in silent movies, which means they are missing some of the best movies ever made. We produced this short subject in the hope that it would spark some interest in old silent movies for a younger generation. I enjoyed the video so much I am now hoping to produce several more of them......Special Editors Note: we have created "Flawed Family Flicks" as a fun way to rekindle new interest in some great old movies. These remixes were originally created for my grandchildren, and ... continua

A fool there was

A fool there was (1915) is an American silent film drama film, produced by William Fox (producer), and starring Theda Bara. The film was long considered controversial for such risqué intertitle cards as "Kiss me, my fool!" Although A Fool There Was never received a public showing in Great Britain, later Theda Bara films were allowed.
Though the film contains scenes set in England and Italy, the entire movie was filmed in St. Augustine, Florida.
This is one of the few Theda Bara films in existence. The others are: The Unchastened Woman (1925), The Stain (film) ... continua

A Hacker Manifesto

autoproduzione audio/3d/video music : basso elettrico + Renoise video : VSE Blender 3d animations : Blender Quest' opera è distribuita con licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0 Unported.

A haul in one

Popeye the Sailor is a cartoon fictional character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre on January 17, 1929, and Popeye became the strip's title in later years. Popeye has also appeared in theatrical and television animated cartoons

A Idade do Ouro (1930) Luis Buñuel

O filme mostra um casal que tenta concretizar seu amor ao longo da história, mas é sempre interrompido por situações que simbolizam questões da sociedade ocidental. Primeiro longametragem do diretor Luis Buñuel, essa obra surrealista tenta passar o desconforto e o espanto com imagens cruas de morte, espancamento, fetichismo e, no final, um epílogo com um conto do Marquês de Sade

A l'Aquila non mangiano il panettone. Il terremoto tre anni e mezzo dopo

Era il sei aprile del 2009 quando una scossa di terremoto di magnituto 6,3 colpì L'Aquila. Io ci sono tornato OGGI per raccontare il terremoto tre anni e mezzo dopo. Cosa è cambiato in questi anni? Davvero sono state ricostruite le case? Provvisorie o stabili? E il centro della città, allora interamente distrutto, che fine ha fatto? E ci sono ancora i militari in giro?

A la calle en EU - Sin techos y sin esperanzas

El Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) alerta de que 46,7 millones de personas de todo el mundo viven en niveles de pobreza.
La cifra equivale a un 15 % de la población estadounidense, y el FMI señala que esta situación puede generar tensiones sociales significativas a medio plazo.
La pobreza aumenta en los Estados Unidos y pasa a tener un efecto devastador en la vida de las personas, especialmente para los vulnerables: los niños.
Por ejemplo,en la ciudad de Filadelfia --que ostenta el dudoso honor de ser la urbe más pobre de las diez mayores ciudades de EU--, ... continua

A la una de la madrugada

Hamid es un joven atleta que, con la ayuda de un amigo, introduce en el mercado un tipo de medicamento energético que no se detecta en los análisis de dopaje. Se lo recomiendo a uno de sus compañeros del gimnasio, lo que le obliga a huir a otra cuidad...