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Aelita: Queen of Mars

Aelita, also known as Aelita: Queen of Mars, is a silent film directed by Soviet Union filmmaker Yakov Protazanov made at the Gorky Film Studio and released in 1924 in film. It was based on Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy's Aelita (novel). Mikhail Zharov and Igor Ilyinsky were cast in leading roles.
Though the main focus of the story is the daily lives of a small group of people during the post-war Soviet Union, the enduring importance of the film comes from its early science fiction elements. It primarily tells of a young man, Los (, literally Elk), traveling to Mars ... continua

Aerial gunner

Aerial gunner is a 1943 American World War II film directed by William H. Pine and starring Chester Morris, Richard Arlen and Jimmy Lydon.

Affairs of Cappy Ricks

Cappy Ricks (Walter Brennan) has returned home from a long voyage at sea only to find that his family and business are not as he left them. His daughter Frankie (Mary Brian) is engaged to a dimwit that he isn't fond of. His future mother-in-law has plans for his business and for his prized ship. Cappy Ricks knows he has to end the chaos and set things straight. Now all he needs is a plan.

Affari di famiglia di Francesco Muzzopappa

Affari di famiglia, Francesco Muzzopappa, Fazi, p. 234 (14,50 euro) anche in ebook
Dopo una posizione scomoda torna alla carica, e alla grande, Francesco Muzzopappa ribaltando, rispetto al suo esordio, il punto di vista sul mondo: stavolta, infatti il protagonista non è un giovane ma una signora: la contessa Maria Vittoria dal Pozzo della Cisterna. La sua sfortuna? Avere un figlio trentenne. Sfortuna perché Emanuele -- nulla da dire dal punto di vista estetico, bello è bello -- non è una cima. Non solo è stupido ma è pure un nullafacente, anzi no, una cosa la ... continua

Africa screams

Abbott & Costello search for diamonds in Africa, along the way meeting a visually-impaired gunner, a hungry lion, and a tribe of cannibals

Africa speaks

Africa speaks! is a 1930 American documentary film directed by Walter Futter and narrated by Lowell Thomas.

After the ball went over

Popeye the Sailor is a cartoon fictional character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre on January 17, 1929, and Popeye became the strip's title in later years. Popeye has also appeared in theatrical and television animated cartoons

Agencia de bicicletas

Un niño después de la muerte de su padre, trabajaba en los veranos, para ganar dinero y ayudar a su madre en los gastos de casa, pero en Teherán nadie le da trabajo. Esto le hace mucho daño ya que estaba acostumbrado de trabajar en los veranos. Así que con la ayuda de su tío, que vive en Teherán, monta una agencia de bicicletas, para llevar las compras de los vecinos a sus casas.

Agencia de cristal

Años después de finalizar la guerra impuesta de Iraq contra Irán, un excomandante decide ayudar a su viejo amigo y veterano de guerra viajar a extranjero para recibir tratamientos médicos necesarios a las heridas sufridas durante la guerra, pero el asunto se complica y los acontecimientos empiezan a coger un rumbo inesperado...

Agricultores: ¿Puede hacerse crecer el dinero?

¿Qué tipo de agricultura queremos? ¿Cuán sostenible, regional, amigable para con los animales y costosa puede ser? En Bruselas se están negociando estas cuestiones. Se trata de nuestro futuro, la reforma de la política agrícola y de las decisiones de gran alcance.
Cuando a partir de 2020 se negocie en Bruselas la política agrícola conjunta también implicará la redistribución del subsidio agrícola de 60.000 millones de euros de la UE. ¿Cómo actuarán los eurodiputados? ¿Decidirán de forma independiente o en interés de la industria y los grupos de ... continua