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Categoria: Documentari (6516)

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Totale: 833

La Guerra de l'agua - Bolivia

Materiales de archivo y documentales sobre la Coordinadora del Agua de Bolivia y sobre el movimiento que desencadenó la Guerra del Agua en este país. Material abastecido por Oscar Oliveira Visita o sítio: orsatti.blogspot.com Visita o sítio: www.globalproject.info

Loose Change

Loose Change es seguramente el documental más completo e interesante que se haya producido hasta hoy sobre el 11 de Septiembre. El autor es Dylan Avery, un joven de un poco más de veinte años que hace dos años empezó a recolectar y estudiar la gran cantidad de material existente en la red, realizando junto con su amigo Korey Rowe - veterano de las guerras en Afganistán e Irak - un trabajo que ya ha sido visto en Google Video por más de dos millones de personas en el mundo. Para todos aquellos que se interesan por lo sucedido ... continua

Chemu am Mapuche pigeiñ - ¿Por qué nos llamamos Mapuche?

Mapuche Tañi Admogen - la Cosmovisión Mapuche, el origen del mundo, el nacimiento de la Gente de la Tierra, la época del Kmelen-Mapu, Tierra Sana, la llegada del huinca y el despojo del territorio y de la vida, han sido poéticamente representados con relatos, música, danzas y representaciones en este vídeo, obra que entregamos para rescatar la cultura de la Gente de la Tierra.
Dirección y producción general: Sofía Painequeo
Realización audiovisual: Javier Bertin, Alex Ramírez, Esteban Valenzuela
Elenco artístico: Folil-Che ... continua

Junelnejb'ahil, Ser mujer en Nueva unión Maya

Derrière ce mot énigmatique, se cache la volonté des femmes guatémaltèques Q'anjob'al de créer un avenire meilleur pour elles, leurs entants et leur communauté. le premier pas de ces femmes das cette voie est d'affirmer leur place dans l'organisation communautaire et lesprocessus de développement, afin d'être reconnues comme force de changement. Cependant, le chemin est encore long...
Les femmes qui vous parlent dans ce film vivent à Nueva Unión Maya, mais elles pourraint aussi bien vivre n'importe où ailleurs au Guatemala ou dans le monde.Les ... continua

Capitan Pastene

Il filmato è stato girato da Stefano Ferrari a Capitan Pastene.
Capitan Pastene è un comune della provincia di Temuco, nella regione cilena dell'Araucania.
A fondare il municipio furono, nei primi anni del Novecento, le famiglie modenesi che, nel marzo 1904, lasciarono l'appennino per cercare miglior fortuna in Cile. A Capitan Pastene i discendenti delle famiglie modenesi vivono a stretto contatto con la cmunità india originaria, i Mapuche, e con i discendenti cileni dei primi coloni spagnoli.
La storia della tragica migrazione modenese in Cile è raccontata nei ... continua

After Mein Kampf

1961 - Documentary
The movie opens with the claim that it is based on facts, which it is, but so overly-simplified and biased that it gets ridiculous after a few minutes. The movie is littered with images of Hitler's face turning into a skull, and Nazi-swastikas turning the wrong way.The way the movie is presented gives it an amateurish feel. Judging by the way the narrator is speaking, you are led to think that the script is without periods or commas.Just after a few minutes you are led to the idea that Germany is the great Satan. You are shown how the Germans in ... continua

Architects of the natural world

Our planet has always been under construction. From tiny organisms that 3.5 billion years ago created mushroom-like towers along marine shorelines, to the present day, where all sorts of animal architects are at work; fish, spiders, termites, ants, bees, birds, mammals and amphibians of all varieties, are building artefacts with ingenuity rivalling our own architects.
Many of these creatures create shelters and nests in a breathtaking diversity of shape, size and colour. This one-hour film illustrates some of the wonders of architecture found in the natural world. ... continua

A World of Islands

The biological lessons that we can learn from true islanders are applicable to the newest of islands: the National Parks we create to conserve Nature. The world is nowadays more fragmented than ever and the limited space and resources of our reserves have striking similarities to the conditions found on true islands.
With examples of the beauty and diversity found on islands such as Socotra, San Pietro and Asinara, the programme will explain how, by the understanding of a planet which is becoming a cluster of isolated environments, we can still find ways to save ... continua

Prisoners in Paradise

With the example of the youngest island on earth the programme unveils the ways and tricks which allow plants and animals to colonise a faraway land such as a new island. Islands can be originated by different geological mechanisms but their shape, composition, and position on the globe is reflected on their inhabitants.
Species that happen to found themselves isolated become different from their relatives living on continents. And sometimes this differences go as far as producing a dwarf elephant or a giant tortoise, a flightless bird or a record-size seed. ... continua

Beach Masters - the Elephant Seals of Patagonia

Depto, Bufo and Malo are three male elephant seals, creatures which are able to reach 6 metres in length and 4 tonnes in weight. This story follows their relationships with the remarkably smaller females on the wild, wind swept shores of Patagonia in Argentina. Director: U. Adilardi To buy this video: info@paneikon.it Visit the site: www.paneikon.it