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Dough and dynamite

Charlie Chaplin's 29th Released Oct. 26 1914 The story involves Chaplin and Chester Conklin working as waiters at a restaurant where the cooks go on strike. When the two are forced to work as bakers, the striking cooks put dynamite in the dough, with explosive results. Dough and Dynamite was one of two Charlie Chaplin films that were to be shown at a special event in September, 2001. However, in the light of 9/11, it was taken off the list of films as it ends with Charlie walking out of a blown up building.
Dough and dynamite is a 1914 American comedy silent film ... continua

Evil brain from outer space

A monstrous evil brain from outer space leads his minions on a crusade to conquer the universe, and unleashes hideous monsters on Earth that spread deadly diseases. Superhero Starman must rescue Earth from the menace of the evil brain while battling armies of monsters the brain sends against him

Dead people

A young woman goes searching for her missing artist father. Her journey takes her to a strange Californian seaside town governed by a mysterious undead cult

Rocky Jones, Space Ranger

Cruising the galaxy in his space ship "The Orbit Jet" Space Ranger, Rocky Jones (Richard Crane), Vena Ray (Sally Mansfield), and 10 year-old Bobby (Robert Lyden) defend the Earth and themselves against space-bound evil doers. A couple of missiles strike earth and Rocky and the gang go to find out where they are coming from. They end up on a moon of Jupiter which is perfect for their survival. They are lucky to land because they have run out of gas. At least their gas gauge says so.

War of the monsters

A giant monster that emits a destructive ray from its back attacks Japan and takes on Gamera

Martha Haynes: El origen de la vida, ¿Hijos del Universo?

En el marco del Congreso del Futuro, Martha Haynes -Doctora en Astronomía- realizó su charla magistral: “El origen de la vida, ¿Hijos del Universo?"

Visita: congresofuturo.cl


Palooka is a 1934 comedy film based on the comic strip by Ham Fisher.
Joe Palooka (Stuart Erwin) is a naive young man whose father Pete (Robert Armstrong) was a champion boxer, but his lifestyle caused Joe's mother Mayme (Marjorie Rambeau) to leave him and to take young Joe to the country to raise him. But when a shady boxing manager (Jimmy Durante) discovers Joe's natural boxing talent, Joe decides to follow him to the big city, where he becomes a champion and begins to follow his father's path of debauchery, much of it including the glamorous cabaret singer Nina ... continua

Corinna Hawkes: Una política pública alimentaria para un sistema alimentario saludable

Corinna Hawkes: Directora del Centro de Políticas Alimentarias de la City University of London, Copresidente del Informe Global de Nutrición. También es Vicepresidenta del Grupo de Trabajo de Obesidad Infantil del Alcalde de Londres. Su trabajo incluye proporcionar evidencia para el desarrollo, diseño y implementación de políticas en el sistema alimentario para promover dietas saludables y combatir la obesidad y las enfermedades no transmisibles relacionadas con la dieta. Ha trabajado en agencias de la ONU, academia, grupos de reflexión, ONG y como consultora ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Thomas Abt: Perché la violenza si raggruppa nelle città e come ridurla

Ridurre la violenza nelle città degli Stati Uniti non è la sfida impossibile e intrattabile che molti credono sia, afferma Thomas Abt, ricercatore ed educatore del crimine. Spiega come la violenza urbana sia "vischiosa" -nel senso che si raggruppa tra un numero sorprendentemente piccolo di persone e luoghi- e presenta una strategia innovativa e mirata per rendere le nostre città più sicure, in questo momento, senza grandi budget o nuove leggi.

Fall of the House of Usher

Psychadelic at times, this unusual and memorable movie version of Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher" has some creative details, and although it is one of the more obscure versions of the story, it offers a distinctive look at a couple of its many interesting aspects. The style is deliberately murky, and it has not so much as an inter-title, so that you do need to know at least the basic plot in order to understand what is happening. Check out the Jean Epstein version, too (also 1928)