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c'è un'arma più temibile della calunnia: la verità (Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord) - traduzioni

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The Best Years of Our Lives

Three World War II veterans return home to small-town America to discover that they and their families have been irreparably changed

The Big Brother State

The Big Brother State è un film che ci informa su ciò che i politici dichiarano essere la 'protezione della nostra libertà', alla quale noi però ci riferiamo con il termine 'legislazione repressiva'.Da quando il terrorismo è diventato un tema globale, specialmente in seguito al 11 settembre 2001, i governi di tutto il mondo hanno iniziato a rinforzare le leggi destinate alla sicurezza nazionale.Queste leggi, ovviamente, mirano ad un secondo fine: far guadagnare agli stati sempre più controllo sui cittadini al costo della nostra privacy e libertà.


The Big Chance

Un gruppo di gangsters cerca di indurre un giocatore di box a rinunciare ad un inconro importante.

The big combo

The big combo is a 1955 American film noir directed by Joseph H. Lewis (director) and photographed by cinematographer John Alton, with music by David Raksin.

The Big Lift

1950 - War / Drama
n 1948, the Soviet Union blockades the Allied sectors of Berlin to bring the entire city under their control. A semi-documentary about the resulting Berlin Airlift gives way to stories of two fictitious U.S. Air Force participants: Sgt. Hank Kowalski, whose hatred of Germans proves resistant to change, and Sgt. Danny McCullough, whose pursuit of an attractive German war widow gives him a crash course in the seamy side of occupied Berlin.
Directed by:George Seaton
Writing credits:George Seaton
Complete Credited cast:
Montgomery ... continua

The Big Show

1936 - Western
When cowboy star Tom Ford disappears, Wilson gets his double Gene Autry to impersonate him. But Ford owes gangster Rico $10,000 and Rico arrives to collect. He fails to get the money but learns that Autry is an impersonator and now blackmails Wilson and his movie studio.
Directed by:Mack V. Wright
Writing credits:Dorrell McGowan, Stuart E. McGowan
Complete Credited cast:
Gene Autry Smiley BurnetteKay HughesSally PayneWilliam NewellMax TerhuneCharles JudelsSons of the PioneersThe Jones BoysThe Beverly HillbilliesThe Light Crust ... continua

The Big Storm

This is the fifth "Flawed Family Video" we have added to the collection. We hope that it will give a new life to a great old movie. Buster is caught in "The Big Storm" in this short remake of scenes from Steamboat Bill Junior.......Special Editors Note: we have created "Flawed Family Flicks" as a fun way to rekindle new interest in some great old movies. These remixes were originally created for my grandchildren, and it now appears many other folks enjoy them as well. These Movies are great classics in there own rights and don't need any help from us. Our remixes are ... continua

The Big Trees

1940 - ActionIn 1900, unscrupulous timber baron Jim Fallon plans to take advantage of a new law and make millions off California redwood. Much of the land he hopes to grab has been homesteaded by a Quaker colony, who try to persuade him to spare the giant sequoias...but these are the very trees he wants most. Expert at manipulating others, Fallon finds that other sharks are at his own heels, and forms an unlikely alliance.Directed by: Felix E. Feist Writing credits: Kenneth Earl, John TwistCast: Kirk Douglas - Eve Miller - Patrice Wymore - Edgar Buchanan - John Archer ... continua

The Bike Echo

The documentary, "The Bike Echo" narrates a personal vision of a young Italian-chilean who discovers a city through his experience of its bicycles. Ferrara is an Italian city in the region of Emilia Romagna with a unique, flat geography (the Padana plain). In time of death and war fueled gasoline use, the bicycle and its echo become a symbol of peace.

The Bio DaVersity Code

Unitevi agli animali Robert Penguin, il simbolista, e alla briosa agente Sophie Minnow in competizione per esporre la più grande bugia mai raccontata. Certo, è soltanto un cartone animato, ma questo potrebbe essere il film più importante che vedrete quest'anno. Infatti, la sopravvivenza stessa dell'umanità potrebbe dipendere da esso!Produzione: Free Range StudiosPaese: Stati UnitiAnno: 2007Durata: 5'Genere: Animazione
